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Messages - Metal Axe On Fire

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Off Topic / Re: Methinks i cracked the code of Christianity
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:56:00 PM »
The problem is that you obviously don't understand the big bang theory nor evolution. Modern science is just science. The scientific method hasn't changed for more than 2000 years.

What you want when you say "proof" is not just heaps of evidence but something that is physically impossible in the universe.

Everything from the cosmic background radiation to the expansion rate of the Universe with the Hubble constant show that it was most likely once a singularity. Is it possible that it wasn't? Yes. Is it likely with the currently evidence? Extremely not so.

What exactly have I said about evolution or the big bang that isn't true (Really, if there is something that was wrong feel free to point it out)? I've actually said next to nothing about either so it would be impossible for you to know how well I understand them unless you are judging only by the fact that I don't agree with them.

Changing the subject to evolution in the literal sense I have a good question to get you thinking. Take an eye for example. An eye has many components, the lens, retina, iris, etc. Without all of those parts it just simply doesn't work. How then did an eye evolve? Having only one or some of the parts would serve no purpose. It's one thing to say that a lizard that swims well will stay alive so eventually all lizards will be able to swim well because the non-swimmers die out. There is no advantage gained by part or parts of an eye. Only the whole thing.

One other thing I'd like to touch on before I'm done. With intelligent design and evolution you are still ultimately left with the question "Where did that come from?" My problem with the whole evolution deal is that you not only start with this question, but then you have to believe that everything happened in this entire universe by pure chance. It turns into a "monkeys with typewriters" belief that all of the "time" that's passed makes up for the near impossible odds. It's just a little much for me.

But that's pretty much where I stop. There's way too much to cover in a Blockland Forum topic for both sides of the argument. One last thing I'd like to point out though is that you'll notice I never said evolution (and/or the related theories) was impossible or that Christianity was impossible. In fact, I never really clearly defined what I believed.

Off Topic / Re: Methinks i cracked the code of Christianity
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:32:47 PM »
Carbon dating only works until 60,000 years into the past.

And you should probably read these three wikipedia articles before you say something doesn't have evidence:

If giving me three wikipedia articles is your best argument, you're no better than the other people you keep putting down. I understand the Big Bang Theory. That doesn't mean I agree with it. The theory of evolution came first (of the three articles/topics you mentioned). It became the well accepted theory in science and still is. I can argue all day about the problem with modern science, but that's not really what this is about. The problem is these theories were designed around evolution, which itself is a theory not a fact.

Your clarification of carbon dating doesn't really change anything. You still didn't show me any PROOF that the earth is as old as you believe it is. All you did was link me to two theories and the hypothesized timeline they fit into.

Off Topic / Re: Methinks i cracked the code of Christianity
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:20:37 PM »
The whole theory of (macro)evolution is based around an (extremely) old earth. 4.5 billion years. There is no proof of an earth that old.

Right now someone's probably about to get started on carbon dating and other so called "accurate" forms of testing how old a sample is to prove me wrong. Don't bother. With a little research (try researching the other side of the argument for once) you'll find that it's inaccurate. Long story short, samples that we know for a fact are twenty years old come up as being two-hundred thousand or whatever the case.

As far as fossils go it's even worse. They date layers of earth by what kind of fossils are found there, and they date the fossils by what kind of layer it's in. It's circular reasoning.

Next, we have the moon. The moon is 238,855 miles away. You may or may not know that the moon is moving away from the earth at a rate of 1.5 inches a year. That would mean when life first came into existence, the moon was about 132,321 miles away. (238,855 minus 1.5 times 4.5bil divided by 12 divided by 5280) Needless to say, with the moon that close life would have had a hard time getting started.

Those are just a few things that come to mind that might interest somebody to research.

That being said, what's the point of debating? Every topic around here is the exact same. Does anyone ever change their beliefs because of what some kid on Blockland Forums told them? I certainly hope that isn't the case. Most evolutionists and Christians (on these forums in particular) don't have a very good understanding of the other side in the argument, anyway.

Many evolutionists (particularly around someplace like here) will end up just saying what they learned in science class. Likewise, many Christians (again, particularly around someplace like here) will just say what they learned in church. An intelligent opinion can't easily be made without a good understanding of both sides. Anybody whose parents are evolutionists and who learns evolution in school will believe it. Anybody whose parents are Christians and who learns about Christianity in a church will believe it.

You are going to start out on whatever side you are raised with, it just works that way. I will say this though, I find way more evolutionists converting to Christianity than vice-versa. Does this prove anything? Not really, especially because the first thing that will come into many people's minds is "I guess the Christians do a better job brainwashing."

Bottom line: Learn both sides of the argument. Almost everybody who posted here gave me the impression that they really don't understand the other side of the argument, even if they think they do. A mind is like a parachute; it works best when it's open. And to anybody who has resorted to any kind of flame in this topic: don't try to pretend you have an open mind.

AoT General / Re: The most wanted criminal has been jailed....
« on: February 19, 2010, 01:35:32 PM »
Is that all? most wanted jailed for 30 minutes xD

Yeah, and I can't believe after all this time the falling to death record is still 326.08.

Off Topic / Re: You are what your avatar is
« on: February 16, 2010, 06:06:06 PM »
A metal axe on fire.

Off Topic / Re: Letter For valentines day
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:20:41 PM »
The whole letter screams "I'm trying too hard." Using words like "folly" doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like you're trying to be smart. And don't even get me started on your ridiculous metaphors.

If you're both twelve then she's probably stupid enough to find it romantic. If not, you're screwed.

Don't worry though, you'll limp away from this failure to find the train of life moving faster than before.

...Went through a stage where EVERYONE in the community hated me...

Don't worry, I'll always still hate you.

Off Topic / Re: Favorite shows on right now.
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:52:50 AM »
Gilmore Girls and Lopez Tonight.

Off Topic / Re: Whats that movie quote! (Forum game)
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:49:53 PM »
Getting things back on track...

"I feel like a dolphin who's never tasted melted snow. What does the color blue taste like? Bobo knows? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee!"

Bobo and the Dolphins.

New one: "I am Beowulf!"

Let me know if it's too hard I have another good one.

Off Topic / Re: How to wake up
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:35:44 PM »
The Metal Axe on Fire way of life:

1. Wake up
2. Sharpen axe
3. Make coffee
4. Set axe on fire
5. Drink coffee
6. Watch Good Morning America
7. Watch Live! with Regis and Kelly
8. Watch The Bonnie Hunt Show

9. Smite noobs
10. Fall asleep watching old episodes of Swat Kats

Off Topic / Re: You laugh, you lose V.2.1 (NEW)
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:29:07 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Team Fortress 2? The Office?
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:53:20 PM »

The resemblance is uncanny.

I find that the characters look like family members from the hit show "Family Matters."

Who's with me?

« on: February 03, 2010, 03:46:25 PM »
Don't pay attention to Quartz, he's just trolling.

This is fantastic! I used to play tournament 3T back before getting kicked out of the league for cheating. I didn't really cheat though, but that's a story for another time.

I would love to see more of these fun little games implemented. Maybe you could pair this with your set of client-side scripts and release a whole pack.

Off Topic / Re: Am I the only one that can't believe it's already 2010?
« on: February 03, 2010, 08:53:28 AM »
It's hard to believe in two years I'll be two years older.

Man, time flies.

AoT General / Re: Age Of Time Hooking Video
« on: January 29, 2010, 03:11:25 PM »
I turned the volume as high as it goes when the music started.

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