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Messages - otto-san

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 1840
Off Topic / Re: news adult swim is cancelling everything
« on: November 17, 2020, 03:22:04 AM »
if they cancel one and a half tonys they are loving up big time. I will march down williams street and LITERALLY cry

We've seen democrats "Transition" away from fossil fuels.

California has shown us their "Transition" is forced and ignorant of the economy and science.

You cannot force advancement simply because you desire it. You can encourage it, but taking the improper steps too early,
and not having a transition plan leads to power blackouts, loss of jobs, and death.
sure! by all means, there should be a plan, and there are plans. we have yet to meaningfully commit to a single one on a national level. that's why we're having this national discussion. here's the thing: we can do it. the tech is here. we can stop funneling resources into fossil fuels, regulate the emissions and waste of polluting industries, and subsidize efforts to modernize our energy sources and retrofit existing facilities to be energy efficient. we can hold manufacturers to higher standards in terms of emissions and efficiency. these are constructive efforts that we can and should do, and every step along the way needs working hands to build that future. we can't afford to be waiting on a unicorn here. maybe one day fusion will grant us cheap, safe, efficient, and abundant energy for everyone. maybe one day we'll have cheap batteries with incredible energy density that can power our cities from wind and sunlight alone all day long. but we would be fools to expect to start at the endgame, and this isn't something we can delay another half decade.

if it takes the blood and dimes of a few grubby capitalists to save the earth, i think that's well worth it. we've known for a long time that blame of climate change does not rest on the people as a collective, but on the excesses of wasteful capitalists who gladly trade the long-term wellbeing of our planet for a short-term profit. we can and should demand better.

it's really really not controversial to say we should transition from fossil fuels. what? that's like the bare minimum for anyone who's even pretending to care about climate change. yes, if we want to stop stabbing this man we probably first need to remove the knife! hello??

Off Topic / Re: I got a new keyboard for my computer today
« on: October 21, 2020, 01:24:45 AM »
congreatulations very proud of you

yeah my mom got the covid and she survived just fine, but the battle and all the secondary infections like pneumonia left her with permanent lung scarring. took her at least a month or two to feel up to doing anything. this is not something where you either die or walk away just the same as before. throw around personal freedom or whatever all you want, but don't pretend the virus isn't a problem in the first place

Off Topic / Re: Minecraft tribal Indocrination Update
« on: October 03, 2020, 10:34:05 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Facebook can delete your stuff now
« on: October 03, 2020, 07:20:17 PM »
how does the act protect the companies from lawsuits? what kind of lawsuits? that seems like a major point in determining if its right or wrong for them to “hide behind the act”
iirc it effectively prevents them from having legal liability for what users post on their site. removing this protection would cause companies to be even more strict with moderation because they have to be extra super 100% careful nobody ever posts anything they can get sued for

Off Topic / Re: College math classes are designed to fail. My theory
« on: September 17, 2020, 05:58:25 PM »
my precalculus class was basically identical to my "algebra 2 + trig" class personally. my school did also have calculus, not sure if it was AP only tho

yes we must maintain the purity of our "culture." It is vitally important to me that "cultures" do not mix. when two "cultures" collide it's inevitable that there's just gonna be conflict.. their "culture" is going to end up absorbing us...

probably not. why bother running your own authentication process on the side when steam will probably do it better and more securely anyway? plus he already put so much work into getting the steam-only fix working and i don't think he's gonna spend even more time chasing every exploit that pops up in this decades-old engine.

Off Topic / Re: College math classes are designed to fail. My theory
« on: September 16, 2020, 07:48:07 PM »
your professor makes a huge difference. i've had great professors that really know how to connect with students and help them succeed, and i've also had professors that meant well but had a really difficult time getting students engaged and on the same page.

this is also a really awful time to go to college to be frank. online learning is just not as engaging even if you have regular virtual meetings, and it also severely inhibits the ability of teachers to utilize collaborative learning techniques. sometimes your peers know how to connect with you better, and i've helped and been helped by my classmates in a ton of my math classes. plus unfortunately a lot of teachers just aren't very good at online teaching lol

if you can, it helps to find a discord with people from your college or something, some way that you can talk with your classmates and figure out what's happening in a class. people that can talk on your level can be your best resources


hell yeah comrade Annoying Orange is gleefully continuing nigh-genocidal practices, set in motion or enabled by previous administrations, targeted exclusively at latinos. couldnt have said it better myself

Because Biden is a dementia'd child enthusiast with segregationist history.

Also, unlike Biden, Annoying Orange doesn't threaten to suck your melanin like he's "Count Ain't-blackula" if you don't vote for him.

Off Topic / Re: Mainstream Media defends child enthusiasts
« on: September 15, 2020, 03:03:58 AM »

Off Topic / Re: og blockland users where you at
« on: September 13, 2020, 03:23:23 PM »
OTTO-SAN. What is up.
um da sky XD

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