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Messages - Panda Dude

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11
Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:41:22 PM »
*Puts Aviv in perma ban list*
lol jk

Clan Discussion / Re: wawd
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:35:19 PM »
im in

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:33:46 PM »

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:21:52 PM »

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:03:58 PM »
So is that a "yes" or "no"?

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:50:05 PM »
double toast. bump for me

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:35:20 PM »
If i say yes will you be happy lol?

Clan Discussion / Re: T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:12:07 PM »
Go home.

Clan Discussion / T.E.A.
« on: December 13, 2007, 03:24:10 PM »

Clan Info:
First off, TEA stands for The Elite Assassins. This is a clan i made to be
very associated with the clan BB (Blue Banana) made by VH, also leader of this clan
along with me. We are a clan that likes screwing around and having fun. Dming is
also on our fun things to do list, Hence the name Elite Assassins.

*First off, respect all admins and members above your class.
*No spamming on servers
*Spelling is key. Be a good speller.
*No cussing/whining
*Don't be a moron


To join T.E.A you need to post a build here on the BL forums or know us fairly well so we can decide if you can join. Your build must also contain the following. First off we accept any kind of build. There is no specific theme.
It must be 10k+ bricks
Try to not add too much of these in your builds:
  • Cylinders
  • 1x1 bricks

Also we don't like square and ugly builds. Please put your best effort in these
builds. We don't accept builds that we know you didn't put a 100% in.

Other Notes:
Also sense this clan is very close to BB anyone that is in BB already is fully welcomed to join this clan without an application.

I will sometimes have a clan server up that will feature messing around and having fun. People outside the clan are also welcomed to join the server.


Me, Panda Dude

Vertical Horizon

Crazycommandogui/Prison Escapee



Thats it for now. But I'm waiting for two more replies.

Happy Joining T.E.A.  :cookieMonster:   

Lol i was in there. I was pinking you and stuff. :D When is the movie coming out Aviv?

Gallery / Re: Tito BOTB Application
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:48:43 PM »
TiTo i think this is a pretty good build and i hope you get in. Plz let TiTo get in guys.
Just think about it k?

Off Topic / Re: Santa on IM!?
« on: December 03, 2007, 10:00:17 PM »
Hopefully Santa wont get mad at me and not get me Rock Band for Christmas. D:

Off Topic / Re: Santa on IM!?
« on: December 03, 2007, 08:00:07 PM »
  Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
Panda Dude says:
Whats craken bitch
Santa says:
Looks like you're going on my naughty list!
Panda Dude says:
Your going on my To Kill list
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Rolling On My Belly Laughing, of course!
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ho ho ho!
Panda Dude says:
its just that my shotgun shells are algone im going to have to kill you with my AK
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
yah it turns out
Santa says:
Ho ho ho?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Hmm ... I think we got confused. Let's start over!

Ok Panda Dude, we could really use your help in the factory.  We play a game up here called Factory Frenzy. Would you like to play?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ok, maybe next time. Let's just keep chatting.
Panda Dude says:
id rather not
Santa says:
You won't, huh? OK.

What do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
some shotgun shells
Santa says:
Great, Panda Dude! I'll see what I can do.

What else would you like?
Panda Dude says:
mabye a nice stake to drive right through your godamn chest
Santa says:
Let's talk about something else, like what you want for Christmas.

And what do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
i just told you what i wanted
Santa says:
Oh really? So, was that a good thing?

Ok Panda Dude, we could really use your help in the factory.  We play a game up here called Factory Frenzy. Would you like to play?
Panda Dude says:
no it means you have horrible memory
Santa says:
This game is called Factory Frenzy.   Every time you play you help us make toys for children all around the world.
 Get as many pieces on the conveyer belt as you can.  Try not to drop any pieces!
 Good luck Panda Dude!  If you're ever stuck, type "Factory Frenzy Help" and I'll give you some helpful tips.
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
What was that?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
All right – moving on.
Panda Dude says:
so your supposed to be fat right
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
your supposed to be fat?
Santa says:
Ho ho ho?
Panda Dude says:
tomg are you or are you not?
Santa says:
What was that?

What do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Okay ... let me know if you change your mind!

And what do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
i just said nothing
Santa says:
All right – moving on.
Panda Dude says:
so what are your rein deer doing right now?
Santa says:
Oats, barley, and cookies.

And what do you eat?
Panda Dude says:
old fat and joly fellows
Santa says:
That sounds good, Panda Dude!
Panda Dude says:
yah yuo should try it
Santa says:
Ho ho ho! What?

What do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
A panda
Santa says:
My elves will get right on that.

Anything else, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
a baby panda
Santa says:
That sounds nice! I'll see what I can do, Panda Dude.
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:

So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something else.
Panda Dude says:
ok have you ever fell of your sleigh
Santa says:
Ok and many others!
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ho ho ho!
Panda Dude says:
im no slut
Santa says:
Seriously? That's fascinating. How does it feel to be no slut?

And what do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
What up?

What do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Good doggie!

And what do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Here kitty, kitty!

Ok Panda Dude, we could really use your help in the factory.  We play a game up here called Factory Frenzy. Would you like to play?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
This game is called Factory Frenzy.   Every time you play you help us make toys for children all around the world.
 Get as many pieces on the conveyer belt as you can.  Try not to drop any pieces!
 Good luck Panda Dude!  If you're ever stuck, type "Factory Frenzy Help" and I'll give you some helpful tips.
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ho ho ho?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ho ho ho! What?
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Ho ho ho!

What do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
Blockland Version 9
Santa says:
My elves will get right on that.

And what else would you like?
Panda Dude says:
well actually your elves cant make version nine only badspot can
Santa says:

My stars, lots of boys and girls are wishing for that these days!

I'll see what I can do for you, Panda Dude!
Panda Dude says:
ok then....
Santa says:
Sounds good to me!
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
Everything is A-Okay!
Panda Dude says:
Ok so its been horrible talking to you
Santa says:
Panda Dude says:
Santa says:
That's great!

And what do you want for Christmas, Panda Dude?
Panda Dude says:
to end this conversation bye
Santa says:
Okay, I'll see what I can do with that.

What else would you like, Panda Dude?

Off Topic / Re: Santa on IM!?
« on: December 03, 2007, 05:37:34 PM »
Omg i went to and i typed this in:

You: Are you going to make love with a panda?
Santa: That was my original intention.


Goes in Suggestions. :panda:

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