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Messages - Rekuddo

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Games / Re: Fallout 4 - Where should it be set?
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:40:01 AM »
Colorado would be a horrible idea, Legion errywhere, not fun.

I would like to see more of what the NCR has done in Cali, I would like to see more civilization mixed in with the current wasteland. I say Seattle Washington. It'd be perfect some nutjob Mr. House wannabe pent up in the space needle has his own personal army and maybe have parts of Idaho explorable.

Hey guys, it's been a while but got some things to discuss. I've been experimenting with some new drugs in the past couple months.

I've been smoking this research chemical called AM-2201

Common Name: Chemical
Chemical Name: AM-2201
Class Of Drugs: Cannabinoid
Legality: Legal (as of right now)
Effects/Experience: Imagine a marijuana high x1000 very violent mind high, followed with possible convulsions. recomended dosage from 0.1-0.3g
Why'd You Do It? Interest
Would You Do It Again? Yeah, I wouldn't do too much.

I've nicknamed it 'one-n-dun' because from experience and smoking this with my friends and all you need is one hit, which is roughly around 0.1g and you can leave the universe. Nobody believes me that they get that high until they actually smoke. I almost overdosed a couple days ago, it felt like how when you rub your eyes you go temporary blind for a few seconds but regain your vision, like that but it lasted a few minutes. my breathing slowed and I walked from my room to the living room and I was fine.

I also tried cocaine and suboxone about 2 months back, cocaine is nice but it's an expensive drug and from blowing it the effects really aren't all that worth it. I would do it again if someone had it but I don't want to spend money on it. As for the suboxone, 10 minutes after consumption I started exorcist vomiting multiple times, but after that it was probably the greatest feeling i've ever experienced up until that point.

Then just about a month ago I tried Molly (MDMA) it is the greatest drug in the world. You will not regret taking it, I've been told by a heroin junkie that the MDMA that we used was way better then any dope he's ever shot.  I blew 2 small lines and I was rolling good for 3 hours, it makes you feel so good, it made me really talkative and listening to dubstep on Molly is insane.

Off Topic / Re: Sonic Megathread
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:41:48 PM »
Sonic adventure on the sega dreamcast is the best sonic game imo.

« on: August 07, 2011, 04:00:43 AM »
I'd like to be added plox  :cookie:

Off Topic / Re: How late do you stay up?
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:15:10 AM »
I'm in the middle of a 3-day bender...

Off Topic / Re: loveual Preference?
« on: August 03, 2011, 03:31:23 AM »
I ain't gay.

Games / Re: Fallout: New Vegas - For the Republic, Part 2
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:23:18 AM »
Yeah you can "peacefully" resolve this by convincing papa kahn that siding with the legion is a bad idea. Just talk to Papa Kahn's right hand man (Dude who sits on the left hand side) and talk to him and sneak in that legion diplomat's room and steal his journal and expose the legion dude. papa kahn will kill him and then you have to convince the people of red rock that you're a pretty cool guy and then the kahns will promise to migrate away. But they don't help out at all in the later quests.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:19:55 AM »
I smoke tobacco and marijuana, I believe that it's my body and I decide what I put in it. The government doesn't have the right to tell me what I can and can't put in my body.

Games / Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:13:11 AM »
XBL GT: Emulate Konig

I play the multiplayer and the vietnam DLC too.

Off Topic / Re: Oslo has been victim of terrorist actions
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:05:11 AM »


forgetin' Samscwamsh

Has anyone come out yet and claimed responsibility?

I spend waaaaay too much money at the head shop

meet the newest member to the family, 'Lemon-Lime'

I'll always prefer real marijuana over anything, regardless if it get's me higher or not. btw I smoked salvia tonight, and my mind has been expanded.

How are the synthetics?

Really good, I smoked 2 bowls to the face of the Pineapple express out of my bong and it got me really baked, I would normally have to smoke maybe around 3-4 bowls of heads to feel the same way. Plus it was $25 for 6 grams and it's legal.


I got some purchases last night that I'd like to share with the community

I picked up 1/2 a gram of 7x salvia and 6 grams of K2 and a couple new pieces

This pineapple express K2 has me sprung :)

"XXX" flavored K2 haven't tried it yet.

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