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Games / Re: PSP 3000 boundless bundles [I H]
« on: October 08, 2010, 01:13:53 AM »

Gallery / Re: Bonster Hunter Tri
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:20:11 AM »
yup, should have posted somewhere else. with 90% i meant, using bugs mode, i would just need to event those. bytheway, where can i find a HP laptop charger, my died 2 days ago.

Gallery / Re: Bonster Hunter Tri
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:03:04 PM »
oh... I've decided to do the whole stuff again, im not a GREAT modeler, ill post pics of progress as soon as i can... thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still looking for a host.

Gallery / Bonster Hunter Tri
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:32:53 AM »


well if any of us used to have, have, or wants to have a PSP, or maybe a wii, we have heard of this epic adventure called "Monster Hunter". since "tri" came out, I've wanting to make a replica, in blockland, of course! and making it all by myself would just be plain silly. so I've came to you guys, for help on making this epic adventure possible.

stuff TO DO

Weapon System 80%
(I've thinking in using the new RPG set, and variables for forging, upgrading)

Carving 95%
(I'm gonna use RollDice and AddVariable "on BotKill"... because crafting bots is not really possible:P)

Armor System 10%
(not so sure on this... I'm thinking Variables, with each variable setting your health higher)

Terrain >10% (?)
(I've not greatly done the first 3 areas of D. Island... this game is massive)

Monsters (pretty much done) 90% (if no mayor changes are made)
(I've decided to use AIs... bug mode, etc...)

Forging (done when crafting is done)
(just use what you've crafted/gather to make weapons/armor)

Gathering 5%
(Just hit your favorite gathering spot with your chisel and cawham!... just need to fix variables and finis models)

Selling/Buying 0%
(buying is pretty easy... but i'm not really sure on how to sell monster parts :S (Variables). im trying not to use city RP)

Misc 5%
(random things like transportation, weather, etc...)

We Need

  • mild-good experience, i might take your word for it, but in case, show me what you got!
  • creativity and know around city RP and other Large Variable Mods

  • experience with Monster Hunter [kinda optional, but...] or other Medieval Style games/rp's
  • creativity and sociable [communicative, interpersonal, you get the idea?]
  • I'm not sure when, but we are gonna need a scripter at some point
  • disposed [is that the correct word?] and creative, of course.

leave your opinion, changes, a replacement for my 5 sec. photoshop, and request below [must i really tell you that?]


Games / Re: $25 Dollars To Spend On Steam
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:20:28 AM »
Save for portal 2

AND buy yourself TOB [the orange box]

Games / Re: PSP 3000 boundless bundles [I H]
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:19:15 AM »
fixed links... s' a bitch

Games / Re: Playstation move
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:55:39 AM »
let me pwn you all.


Games / Re: Runescape mining corp!
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:44:06 PM »

Games / Re: Runescape mining corp!
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:41:10 PM »
nice! i would join... but i have a xbox now ;]

Games / Re: Playstation move
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:27:35 PM »
play it you dipstuff... i mean, thats why you bought it. :P

Games / Re: PSP 3000 bundles [IMAGE HEAVY]
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:22:18 PM »

JAPPAN :[ i am seriously thinking in shippin' one from over there if it does not come out in the americas ><

Games / Re: PSP 3000 bundles [IMAGE HEAVY]
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:19:58 PM »
I got the GTP bundle. It was limited edition, and it was worth the money.

mmmm.... looks nice, should probably add that...

Get the Metal Gear Solid or Monster Hunter bundles. They are lovey.

i know :B... but the God of War looks nice!

Games / PSP 3000 boundless bundles [I H]
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:15:59 PM »
i have decided to buy myself a PSP 3000 bundle, but i am indecisive in which one to buy. here are my choosing options. (my criteria is about: 33% looks, 33%performance, 33%bonuses in the packs) don't mind the price... currently having my own small (pretty small jeje) business. (i have rolled trough all the PSP shopping sites i found, and could read, in both us and japan. i chose those i liked the most)

option 1: Original PSP 3000, with no games nor starter pack.

(piano black)

(shinin' blue)





option 2: PSP 3000, Peace Walker (Metal Gear Solid) Special Edition, includes the game, a casing and a cleaning towel.


option 3: PSP 3000, God of War Special Edition, includes "Chains of Olympus", "Ghost of Sparta", and "Superbad (movie)".


option 3: PSP 3000, Kindom Hearts; Birth by Sleep Special Edition, includes the game.


last but not least; option 4: PSP 3000... but with upgrades... Monster Hunter Portable Third Special Editon (currently only released in japan... possible release next year in US), includes the game, and special additions to the PSP; a 2200a. battery (1000a more than the usual one), hand grips, a custom brown townog grip, and a unique theme. release is yet unofficial :[. i have my hopes up.


EDIT: i found this thanks to Comatose;
Option 5: PSP 3000, GTP Special Edition, it includes the game, and a PSN card

give me your personal opinion...

PS; i hope this thread helped PSP lover find the love of their life...

Off Topic / Re: slowpoke girlfriend
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:56:08 AM »
Way to type like a 4 year old.

way to be on topic

Off Topic / Re: My mother said I was trolling...
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:44:51 AM »
They've figured out our language... It is only a matter of time before they use our memes! :O

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