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Messages - Sevara

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 18
General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: August 30, 2017, 03:22:23 PM »
Drive-by check-in here, class of '09 (almost 10 years!), v11, ID 12596. Kinda fell out of the game once Comr4de and BAN/ARES went inactive.

Gallery / Re: Avatar Mosaic
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:12:30 PM »
So far, I haven't been able to find mine in there.

Wish I still had the original image I made way back when.  Kinda sucks that it only seems to exist in thumbnail form now.

Help / Re: Shaders dont work for steam
« on: February 13, 2014, 11:13:46 AM »
I see three major groups of errors:


It looks like the RTB and VCE errors are snowballing into errors in other packages, so I'd try reinstalling those two to kill some of the errors.

As far as the shaders, what GPU do you have, and do you have drivers from the maker?  To me, that looks like a video card that can handle shaders trying to run through a generic driver without support for GLSL.

Gallery / Re: v20 Maze | :C
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:10:14 AM »
i think it was because it got removed a long time ago :o

Wasn't DM Church gone before S&S happened?  Like V19 or something?

Gallery / Re: "This is why I'm smart." Cool Blockland Rap
« on: January 14, 2014, 01:03:20 PM »
Is that you rapping?  Sounds kind of like that Krispy Kreme/Froggy Fresh dude.

General Discussion / Re: use of for addons
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:56:20 PM »
out of 500 people who download, no more than 10 of them will choose adfly. you'll earn a couple cents, total bullstuff

To put it another way, if every single active user currently playing Blockland went through the link, you'd earn, what, $30?  That's a pretty poor ROI for a nuisance of that scale.

On the other hand, Ephi, you're the absolute last person that should be talking about monetizing a value-add for Blockland. By your narrow definition, your thread about the RTB hosting service breaks the rules about no advertising.

You created it, it added value to Blockland, and you ask others to pay for it.  Why should you be more equal than other content creators?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Event Request
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:12:04 PM »
onMessageBoxDisplay would be redundant.  Just use more events under promptClient with the same trigger.  If you only want it to happen while the message box is open, just use another event to revert with onPromptAccept or onPromptDecline.

For the people who like the current layout, what about the option to choose, in your profile settings?

If board themes were enabled, that's exactly how you would change it.  Profile > Look and Layout > Current Theme, and there would be a drop-down with the list of installed themes that you could pick between.  The Blockland forum is a SimpleMachines Forum, but Badspot's disabled a lot of functions.  This is probably one of the most barebones forums I've seen aside from the lingering BBS sites.

Just thought I'd pop in and mention that forum themes *can* be changed client-sided- if you can code CSS, you can do something called a "user stylesheet," and if you're impatient/don't know how to use CSS, there are browser extensions that can take care of that for you (and manage uploaded override styles, too.  Using one right now, in fact).

Can't really do anything about layout, though.  CSS just handles the graphics style (colors, button images, etc).  The content is HTML generated by PHP scripts from SQL databases, so while it's technically possible to make a re-interpreter to change the layout, it's just not worth it.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status (Updated: 2013/13/16)
« on: December 17, 2013, 08:16:34 AM »
Stupid question, but how do I get the RTB overlay with a Steam copy of the game?  Old method was shift+tab to bring up both overlays and close the Steam one, but the RTB overlay isn't coming up at all for me.

Development / Re: 2013/12/01 - Blockland r1908
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:10:53 PM »
well i mean, load a build as a static object (option next to public) and pick a color for it. The bricks you load are the same SHAPE and have simplified collisions as the build but all one color. you oviously couldnt edit stuff loaded as a static object

The problem with that is that with a really huge build like, say, Seattle, it's better for it to be separate blocks, since you can lower the draw distance and not have to render all the faces at once.  With it being one block, all those faces would have to be loaded, regardless of how far your draw distance is set.

TL;DR: Huge builds would cripple all but the top few systems playing Blockland.

Gallery / Re: [BP] Blueprint HQ
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:03:52 PM »

For some reason these trees look really gorgeous.
How the hell did the shaders end up doing that?

Port put out two modified versions of the shader that do soft shadows.  That's the "Ultra" version, with faux-bloom.

Gallery / Re: Snowy Compound
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:17:21 AM »
Was gonna say it reminds me of the Mission Impossible 64 first mission.

Nice build though!

Yeah, chalk up another one for the sub pen.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:59:48 PM »
This is probably a late, stupid, and already answered question, but will players running blockland off of steam be able to play with players who arn't?

Yes.  From what it sounds like, Steam's probably going to be selling BL keys the way Amazon already is.

Modification Help / Re: What does isKoreanBuild() do?
« on: November 01, 2013, 05:50:52 AM »
It checks the main language of the computer you're on.
This will return false unless you're computer is Korean or Chinese.

Actually, it'll just fail.  It returns a string, not a boolean.

Korean keyboards have a third state besides normal and caps: Hangul.  They also don't have a right ctrl or right alt, because one switches between EN and HA, and the other locks the keyboard in HA.

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