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Messages - Moonlight

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Off Topic / Re: New Royal baby for the UK
« on: July 22, 2013, 05:29:41 PM »
Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!

Off Topic / Re: Andy Murray wins the Wimbledon Men's Singles Final
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:00:17 PM »
Why's that Scottish twat so important?

He behaves the complete opposite of how Freeze describes it.
He's a proud Scot when he wins and never British. It changes when he loses.

Bring back Henman. Atleast he had a lovable personality.
Better than this miserable git.
Why's he important? Mainly because he just ended a 77 year wait for a British tennis player to win the Wimbledon championship.

He's both Scottish and British, this he has stated many times in interviews. He even today stated that he was relieved to be the British player ending the 77 year wait.

Henman is past it and was a pretty bad player. And as Henman has a role on the BBC as a commentator and also to brown townyse matches, of course he's going to come across as being more outgoing that Andy.

And what difference does it make if Murray is 'boring'? I hate how people expect sportsmen and celebrities to have lovable personalities. Did you watch his documentary the other week? He is actually a pretty funny guy. The press always ask him about his coaches and very stupid questions. It's no wonder he hates some of the interviews he has to do.

Off Topic / Re: Andy Murray wins the Wimbledon Men's Singles Final
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:18:08 PM »
Great achievement for him and his coaches. He's worked hard over the past year or so to fulfill his dream of being Wimbledon champion. Hopefully he kicks on to win some more Grand Slams. Plus his girlfriend isn't half bad.

That final game was unreal. I couldn't sit still during it lol.

I'm sure it's not all been plane sailing but once you get your head into gear it must be fun.
Yeah, I'm sure it gets a bit turbulent at times.

These puns have been terrible, but I think you've been able to wing it.

I suppose those, Bones, you've made a lot of friends in high places.

Off Topic / Re: School out... Not
« on: June 03, 2013, 05:02:00 PM »
Scotland is highly similar, I believe I'm sitting a similar level to you as I think Highers are equivalent to AS levels?

I sit my final exam tomorrow, then I go back on the 10th of June, but I break up on the 28th. We go back in mid August and I think English schools go back a week later than us seeing as you break up later.

20 years in prison is a long time, Moonlight. And the soldier was obviously targeted because he was a soldier, and the terrorists don't give a stuff what he's been through. And what if the responders weren't anywhere near there? They could've been half an hour away.
This was a terrorist attack, they made no attempt to run away, and instead started preaching to horrified onlookers. They hacked a man to death for forget sake, 20 years is by no where near enough. If people think the only way to get their message across is through terror then I honestly don't know what to think.

London, the capital of the UK. The busiest city in the whole of the country. It's also an army barracks, a place of high security which is monitored by both the police and the army itself. It also, doesn't actually take that long to get through London, hence why we have secluded bus/cycle lanes, which are also for use for emergency vehicles. Twenty minutes is far too long for 2 idiots running about the streets with firearms and knives/machetes.

It's loving vile what happened to that soldier. He has no doubt been in Afghanistan, witnessed friends being injured or possibly worse, killed, and then comes home to this? I'm honestly ashamed to be living in Britain that this happened, and even more angered that people just stopped and started videoing it on their phones.

It also took twenty minutes for armed response to arrive. Twenty loving minutes. It takes 3 minutes to bleed to death, even less in some cases. This country's police force is a joke, along with the justice system. They'll no doubt be shoved into a cushy prison cell with all the benefits they can possibly get for what, 20 years minimum? Send them to hell to rot with their virgin brides.

My brother, who is in the British Army himself, was at a funeral for one of his friends killed in Afghan only a few weeks ago. It sickens me to think that our soldiers aren't even safe in their own country. I don't know if this has affected me more because I have a personal relation in the army.

I offer my full condolences and prayers to the family of the victim. No one deserves what happened to this man. Rest in Peace.

Off Topic / Re: iPhone 5 Problems
« on: May 22, 2013, 11:43:56 AM »
Depending how long you've had it, and how long your warranty runs for, they might/should be able to give a you a new phone if you go the Apple store. Seeing as it's a problem with the actual handset, they will give you a new phone imo.

Mines has got a line of dead pixels near the middle of the screen, so I'm hoping they'll replace mine. I'm just too lazy to go to the store.

Off Topic / Re: What job could I get when I'm 16?
« on: April 19, 2013, 12:15:13 PM »
What's so bad about working in a restaurant? Even if you're on minimum wage you get tips and what not to boost your pay.

Off Topic / Re: rip iron lady
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:19:56 PM »
Rust in hell.

Really? Which one?

Was one of his old mods, Fooly Fun Commands or something like that.

Off Topic / Re: Every school in my town was on lockdown today...
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:19:06 PM »
if something like this happens in our school, we dont get lockdown. instead we put on our designated ira uniforms and blend in

I've never watched American Football, due the unpopularity of the sport in the UK, but I'll probably watch this. I don't really mind who wins, so I guess it'll be interesting to watch it from a neutral point of view. 

Gallery / Re: I search the best military helicopter
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:24:33 PM »
I'm going to assume from the brief description you are looking for Gravity Cat's UH1 helicopter. It's on the front page of his modification topic.

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