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Messages - FireStar

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Drama / Re: Xavia (BLID: 29444) IMAGE HEAVY
« on: October 26, 2013, 08:42:07 PM »

I haven't done dramas in a long time, I personally don't want to do another again, but several players that played at Xavia's server, told me to make this drama, and that they would support. What Xavia did was so forgeted up, I just had to make a drama to alert what kind of stuff that this guy is getting into. No, I'm not raging, but I think this is really wrong what he was doing on his server, he listened to no constructive criticism, used admin orb to place sentries in enemy bases I am supposing, having Tezuni like mods that ban you for taking up slots in the server. I mean what the forget is that?
He also has a global spawn, but bans whoever "spawn-kills", which is incorrectly using the term, plus if he wants no one to fight in spawn, there are invincible player types for a reason, multiple bases for a reason, heck you can just dup the loving spawn and make 2 of them, it's not hard.

I was on the server late at night with Xavia and he was alright, hence I could hardly believe what you just stated. If you provide evidence, I'll think otherwise. However, this was his first time putting up the TDM, and there were a lot of improvements that needed to be made including the spawns. Could you just NOT follow the rules until he fixed them?

Here you also state,

The Sam
n Turbo Recon Robot
The childish community

Childish community?! Oh dear lord does that come in mind,

"must spam cuz mad!!!"

Can you NOT read the rules? Heck,

Testing if the server had invincible playertype, also trying to get Xavia to notice that he needs to fix this
You test if it had the invincible player type, then claim "your in my spawn!". Clearly something is wrong here, no?

Can you not get used to the fact every server has childish people on it or trolls? I wouldn't even give this server a community impression considering it was its first day up. I however, I do agree, Xavia did some wrongdoings, but what I say still makes a point. You could also cut the cussing short, keyboard warrior.

Drama / Re: Xavia (BLID: 29444) IMAGE HEAVY
« on: October 26, 2013, 07:54:34 PM »
At this point I would ban you.

Was it really necessary to start taking up the whole chat because you were apparently mad?

Drama / Re: tb2 - drama whore
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:05:10 AM »
The Xavia one and WhoCares one both, I think, were meaningful. The WhoCares one just backfired on me because the evidence I stated proved myself wrong, but, there is still no evidence to call me wrong on that. The Xavia, well, the admins just suck. So, how about this if you think the Xavia one is wrong, whenever anyone joins my server, I kick them. Half of the people who join I don't want on, but I deal with it. The admins claim that "they can kick anyone on the server they don't like" which is the stupid part.

Xavia had all rights to kick you, then ban you afterwards. Xavia barely kicks anyone off his server, you were an exception.

Drama / Re: tb2 - drama whore
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:01:07 AM »
Welp, what do you know? Even the tiniest of offenses he'll threaten the drama.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 24, 2013, 03:49:42 PM »

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:44:15 PM »
he didn't actually sound demanding at all to me, nothis is hilarious, lol

No one cares if it sounds demanding to you or not, if it felt demanding to the host, then he had the right to kick.
Also, the kick put everything in a bad mood? Lmao, now your really pulling stuff out of your ass.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:04:35 PM »
i still find the kick, in the end, caused the ban in ways

I have a feeling you just brought that up. Game was a richard whatnot, there's no excuse to it.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:57:28 PM »
kicks can be unreasonable. though they're better off in the thread about them

this doesn't even make sense

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:56:06 PM »
the OP was banned for this.

do you not remember?

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:52:37 PM »
Pro-tip: Kicks aren't drama worthy. Arguing them is just plain hilarious.


Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:48:40 PM »
Me "Can you please make the server name WIP?"
Xavia "How about you be quiet before you no longer stay?"
Me"Excuse me?"
Xavia (Unlisted Comment) "Begone"

I would highly, again, like to know why I was kicked. This is just repeating in a cycle, over and over. I want a response, and not the same thing you have been saying.

"How about you be quiet before you no longer stay?" He was just in a bad mood. Then we move onto the, "excuse me". Simple miscommunication like I said before. The server is still up, but apparently you're banned for telling him you were going to drama him, so just IRC him if you wish, it's not my choice. Is all of this really worth it over a kick? The ban was your fault, however.  

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:17:27 PM »
the kick bothered game which made him make a drama threat which got him a (long!) ban

right now i'm addressing the kick yes

lol drama threatstb2/game thought it was wip due to some talk, and asked nicely for the host to change the name if it were wip. then he got kicked. explain how this is a valid reason to kick someonefor actual reasons? or just kick everyone you don't rly like?

First of all, you don't just kick "anyone you like". The people who happen to not listen and all that are the people that should be kicked. The kick wasn't even serious at all, Xavia didn't want Game on the server for the reason I don't know. It could of been a deal of miscommunication, considering Game's replies were, "Please make the title WIP if it's not done", and "excuse me?" to Xavia, and unfortunately over the internet you cannot read someones tone, so it sounded as if he was telling Xavia what to do or preparing to start an argument with the, "excuse me". That's just my thought however, you'll have to ask Xavia himself.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:03:32 PM »
do you consider this confusion (if tb2/game actually was wrong) a valid reason for a kick?

Notice how you only care about the kick and not the ban or the picture I provided of Game, but just the kick being "valid". In my opinion, it was valid. Army RP's are normally of stubborn little kids who don't listen, and they often become a kick-fest to get the right people on the server.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 09:58:30 PM »
No. Why was I kicked for a statement? Now, you are just advertising. You lied about it being done, too.

I didn't lie. It is done, the build is done, everything. You were kicked he didn't want you there. Get over it.

Drama / Re: Xavia-Random Ban
« on: October 22, 2013, 09:53:44 PM »
op says that admins on the server were discussing about the server not being finished. could you provide proof to say otherwise?

To be honest, it was JUST a kick. It's Xavia's choice on who he wants on his server or not. When Game came back onto the server and threatened the drama, that's when he made the richard out of himself. The server is up and running everyday, and it's even up right now in fact if you want to check it out. It is done.

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