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Messages - sean6258

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 20
Games / Re: Games you REALLY MISS
« on: July 03, 2014, 01:02:19 AM »

I still have this, but its condition has degraded quite a bit.  Wish it was still in heyday.

Oh my god. I remember this game.

Games / Re: Games you REALLY MISS
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:25:22 PM »

Coolspot. No? Just me? Okay...

Pretty much any good Genesis games too. I remember Aladdin being quite good.

Been trying to trade some copies of Monaco and some other stuff for a copy of this game for a few days now. No dice. Been listening to the soundtrack to death, though. Absolutely amazing.

« on: June 18, 2014, 04:33:10 PM »

Anything on my wishlist. Like everyone else, I'm not too picky.

« on: June 17, 2014, 10:16:39 PM »
Put me on there, I guess...?

So is no one playing this anymore. I am in the middle of catching Darkrai right now.

I'm waiting for all the bugs to be fixed. Don't want to take any chances. Also waiting for online.

Highly looking forward to Sunset Overdrive. Too bad it's a XBONE exclusive. Maybe they'll release it on PC, but only for Windows?


To make that face possible, this is what the actual image looks like

I guess this is why user faces aren't allowed on the workshop yet :cookieMonster:

I hope it's added onto Workshop soon. :P Would be entertaining to see what people would make.

can this game be randomized

i want to do a randomized solo run, or i guess just a solo run, since doing it on real games is hard

I believe you can, yes. Haven't tried it myself.

Games / Re: Nintendo Megatopic
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:32:54 AM »
I'm seriously wondering why Nintendo/HAL hasn't released a true 3D Kirby game yet. I'm aware that they tried one for the Gamecube, but I don't see why they cancelled it. Perhaps they could try again on Wii U or something, because that would be frickin' awesome.

Wasn't Crystal Shards 3D? I never played it, so I might be in the wrong here.

Just got Battleblock Theater yesterday and I've been having quite a bit of fun with it. Anybody else have it on Steam yet?

General Discussion / Re: BlockHub (Desperate Need of Builders)
« on: May 13, 2014, 06:05:57 PM »
Well, this is the final update I'm posting.

The server is being put on hold.
Please note: This does not mean that this server will never get "released". It merely means that the server is getting put on hold for several reasons which I will now list.

1. Lack of community involvement (note: I'm not blaming this all on the community. This is partially my fault.)

2. No active builders. (I gave builders many chances to join, and not one has. Besides Boost and Xi (whose Blockland refuses to work (Xi's)) there are no builders. And Boost is inactive.)

3. Lack of a profile (nobody knows me, really. But hopefully this has led a few to know what kind of user I am, and I can get in contact with users with higher profiles)

4. Lack of a description. (Looking back at the description I used for the server, it gives off the impression that it would be extremely boring. This is my fault.)

5. Lack of experience. (Now, mind you, I might have looked like I was handling the project fairly well, but the opposite is also true. I felt as if I knew the environment I would be working in (the forum), and I really didn't. This links up to #3.)

All in all, I'm very sorry to anyone who was planning to work on this, was on the team, and anyone who was really excited about it. I may try this again once I have a higher profile, among other things. I thank all of you for working with me, and helping out, but I'm afraid that whatever work that was done (which wasn't much) will be lost. When I decide to pick this back up (and I very much intend to), maybe I'll have a more refined idea, and already something to show. This was my mistake. Thanks for putting up with it.

You can stay in the Steam Forum if you'd like. It will still be up as long as there are people in it. When I get back to the project, I'll post there first. You should also stay there if you wish to contact me (or you can just friend me).

Games / Re: Fistful of Frags ■ A Western FPS source game(F2P)
« on: May 13, 2014, 01:11:44 AM »
I loving love this game
I've only started playing yesterday and it's already one of my favorite fps's ever
The way it handles the combat is just so satisfying when you kill someone, it rewards those who actually have skill and actually it rewards people who get the loving PUMP SHOTGUN AND WRECK YOUR stuff

I pretty much share the same opinion. Started playing it today, and I had a blast. I'm going to play this for a while.

Username: sean6258

« on: May 12, 2014, 05:10:50 PM »
PSN: sean6258

(Don't go on much any more though.)

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