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Messages - Mutantz

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Help / Re: Where are my maps? sorry is this is a stupid question
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:28:14 AM »
I said i should,not that im going to,just a flat area to build and play is CRAP,hills and valleys and rivers and oceans were worth playing.

at least minecraft asks you if you want to update and posts a change log.

but i understand a lot of peeps were breaking blockland and then crying that their blockland dont work anymore and expect someone else to fix the problem they caused,i broke it at least a dozen times,but never tried to host a server when i did it, and the easy fix was to just re-install it.

and to tell you the truth i do not trust anything that has LLC after their name,to me it means they know something is wrong and expect to get sued or something.

it also usally means losing lots of cash

Help / Re: Where are my maps? sorry is this is a stupid question
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:05:03 PM »
I belive it was 10 bux each so thats 50 bux not 20,and taking out user made content is LAME!!!!!!!

user content made this game what it was,now its crapola,they could of least left the option in to update or not with a warning that the maps are no longer there.

this is not the game i paid for,i would never pay for this the way it is now,i paid for a game i could make stuff for.

i will be sending a sase.

Help / Where are my maps? sorry is this is a stupid question
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:42:45 PM »
I searched but could not find an answer,if you could post the link to the changes.

why are my maps not showing up? all we get is the maps that are there,pretty lame,i bought 5 copys of this game back when it was version 8 or 9,if i would of know when i ran it that it would update and i would lose the abilty to play on my maps then i would of never clicked,or i would of shut off my internet.

i have made many maps that me and my friends play on,some never released and will never be released,but i would like to play on them.

if we can't play on the maps we made then i'm done and want a refund.

again i could not find any subject on this so i sorry if this is a stupid question.

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (New Map)
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:08:24 PM »
Excuse me? i'm sorry if i'm offending your "works of art" by criticizing the textures, and thanks for being an absolute self-centred mapper by dismissing what i said as an insult, and saying all your maps are getting "Better and better", in reality, it doesn't work like that automatically, you have to improve to get there.

i am not self centered,i just dont like something called crap when its the same thing as everthing else.

and i'll be the 1st to say my early maps are pure crap.i rushed them,airport has been done for a month now but i keep checking it and checking it and trying to think"what can i do to improve this"

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (New Map)
« on: February 04, 2011, 01:09:51 PM »
95% of the textures i use are either the ones that came with constructor or i got them from the links to resourses in the modding forum,or they were from early blockland,and thats funny you say that because i have the exact same textures that i find when i go look at your maps,so your just blowing it out of your ass,and tryin to stir the stuff again,you must be a spooner,but i dont really give a stuff and am not going to part of a flame war,every map i make just gets better and better.

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (New Map)
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:50:52 PM »
Heres a preview of the top of the control tower

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (New Map)
« on: January 29, 2011, 11:40:26 PM »
whats wrong with bikini? i had so much trouble with that one,i went over it for 2 weeks before i released it,and i'm laying off the lighting,i've learned a few new tricks and really going over the maps trying to check every angle and every building.

what impractical collision are you talking about,i try to avoid these as much as possillble i also try to keep the brush count down.

and interiors are what the maps are all about for me,anyone can map a map without one,but they make the game IMO,look how many people play bedroom.

belive it or not some people have complaing that theres not enough textures on some maps so that looks like a no-win problem

i am working on 2 maps right now,an airport map and a midevil castle type map,and i am puttting hidden places in the maps, some only admins can access, and some for everybody.

Can you upload to RTB?

I'm not going to download something from Media Fire, and I LOVE this map

hey whats going on over at RTB,i uploaded maps there 2 weeks ago and they still have not put them up.

New map check 1st post

Mapping Help / Re: How to make zones that kills players?
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:35:39 AM »
In BL-Grill its lava that kills ya i think

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (again)
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:19:14 AM »
New Map 1st post

Maps / Re: Mutant'z Map'z (again)
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:57:34 PM »
ya im working on uploading them to RTB

NEW MAP 1st post

Terrain block under bridge fixed,thanks zeta,don''t know how i missed that one.

Maps / Mutant'z Map'z (Airport ready)
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:41:56 PM »
Ok some of you have waited a long time and your wait is over,i was really waiting for that other dude to finish theirs.

I tried not to start a new topic but got too old.(has it been 3 years?)
Dynamic lighting
Winners Circle
Twin Tower buldings with green glass,fully interactive
Blocko Katy Perry
Tree's and Grass
and much more.

this might be a BETA

Terrain block fixed

Here is another map i've had in the background

I didn't go overboard with the interiors,just nice and simple.

And here we go with another strange map
Fishtanks with admin only areas.


And a map made for DM's
The Hill's another low lag map.


Ok Airport is ready,just a small airport.


link to topic with all the other maps

Maps / Re: GSF Maps [Update 10/1/10]
« on: December 14, 2010, 11:48:45 AM »
Nice maps,and you do good work,BUT we do not need the damm bible quotes,and playgound and thin ice are maps that were allready released under different names,i bet if i go look at playground i will find the stuff from pigs backyard.

what are you a jesus freak? whats with the bible quotes? are you trying to push god on these kids?

glad i know how to work with these maps so i could remove the bible quotes from the version  i play.

Maps / Re: Mutantz Mapz And Portz-New Map
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:26:49 PM »
Who woke up this dino.

he did by saying i ripped him off by putting out a racing map,BUT i never released any racing map. i left this place long ago,i was just very bored and i saw someone uploaded one of my maps to RTB.

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