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Messages - joey888joey

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Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 28, 2015, 03:26:23 PM »
Joining, I really like small servers without that many plugins.

Edit: There are a few things I'd like to ask/suggest.
-What are the chat channels?
-How many players have joined the server so far, and how full has the server gotten?
-It would be nice if you removed the chat that appears at the bottom of the screen every like 3 minutes or so, it really takes away from the RP.

-Currently there is a local in-character chat. We will be adding an out-of-character local chat soon.
-In total, 130 players have joined this server, we usually see our player count in the 6-12 range when it's busy, however this is going up every day. We have got to about 12 people at one point.
-Thank you for your suggestion, however the help text displayed at the bottom is very helpful to us, otherwise we end up having to answer a lot more questions. Perhaps we can increase the amount of time in between the messages.

Also, we will be adding a tutorial soon, which should reduce the amount of messages displayed to players.

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:08:00 PM »
We just upgraded to a new server with 32GB of RAM all for this server. The server is running better than ever!

On a side-note, Legion's reputation is rapidly decreasing with the Udecca and Cydonia nations. Their Mayor stole the Royal Donkey of Cydonia and was breeding it, among other crimes to both nations.

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 22, 2015, 02:34:52 PM »
I saw pirate flags being set up on Mayohiga's island. In the spirit of repelling invaders, I took down the banners and annexed the ship. Take that pirate scum.

Also, Mayohiga expands magnificently

Mayohiga is looking nice, and is finally part of the Kingdom of Udecca.

On a side note, with the amount of players increasing, so has the server load- we are going to be upgrading to a newer, faster server in the next couple of days. We will keep you informed.

Some screenshots:

Kensor is really looking nice at night.

And Mayohiga's outpost is all done.

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 21, 2015, 02:24:43 AM »
How many people usually play on this?

Right now, during our peak hours we see 10-14 players, and during downtime typically 2-4. We are growing day by day and see more people on as they spread the word. Hope to see you online!

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:18:38 AM »
Please fix this, lol.

The blocks aren't taken as broken so the pickaxe doesn't have an excessive use, just gets damaged with the blocks it actually breaks but this is annoying as hell.

If there's some sort of anti-cheat plugin, please nerf it or remove it. I've been kicked about nine times digging a tunnel for "Block breaking out of sync!" with an unenchanted diamond pickaxe.

I am looking into this problem and trying to resolve an soon as possible. If anyone else is having these problems, or if you can give any information on situations where it does and does not happen that would be very helpful.

On the note of server rules, the rules clearly state you cannot kill on sight. That means you can't just walk up to someone and kill them for no reason. However, let's say you walk up to someone and attempt to mug them, and they don't give you items and they run away, then you chase them and attack them, this is fine because it's roleplay. Going around killing people randomly is not allowed. You must have a legitimate reason to kill someone.

If they are role-playing as raiders, and attempting to steal items, cattle, etc. then there is no harm done.

If you find a player is breaking server rules, please report them using /report <Player> <Reason>

Thank you,
MCRP Management

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP]
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:21:18 AM »
Many thanks. However, another problem has appeared. It seems that containerTrust and other Trust commands don't work, even though the message displays.

EDIT: Oh dear, I crashed the server by deleting a town I made.

I don't know what happened with Towny there, but I did see that deleting the town caused a crash.

As far as keeping people out of your stuff, we never planned on using Grief Prevention for that, we have a different plugin for protecting doors, containers, etc.

In order to protect a door or container to make it so only you can open it, do /cprivate and left click the door, you can also make public doors with /cpublic. There are a lot of options within the plugin. If you use the /lwc command in-game it will show you all of the options.

Hope this helps, and hope to see more players online. Free plots are still available to anyone interested.

Games / Re: Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP]
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:20:11 PM »
I couldn't open the chest with the golden shovels. It didn't give the standard "locked with magical spell" command, but it didn't open either.

Thank you for reporting this problem. We fixed this today and tested it, it's working good now. Hope to see you online.

oh dear god no roleplay
i might join this sometime

This is a lite roleplay and survival server. You have flexibility in what you can do, between living alone in the middle of the woods and living in the city, trading in the market, etc.

We are offering free plots of land in the city for a limited time.

Games / Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 08, 2015, 03:18:54 PM »
Hi guys,

We have a Minecraft server we just started about a week ago, we are trying to expand the community on our server and we are looking for mature players who enjoy a lite roleplay / survival experience. I have more information below about the server, you are welcome to come on and check it out.

MCRP 1.8.8
Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server
Port: 25565

Join today and get a free plot of land in Woodsberg!

Server Description:
We are a friendly and player-oriented lite roleplay server aimed at having fun and creating your own adventure. Open up a general store, start a village, or just go fishing. We give players the freedom of choosing how they want to play and what they want to do. A small but growing community, we are looking for new players and are offering free plots of land in some of our towns where you can build what you want.

Server Rules:
  • Do NOT attack or kill on sight, you must have a reason to kill someone
  • Do NOT attack or kill inside towns and cities
  • Do NOT intentionally destroy or interfere with someone else's home or building, strictly enforced
  • No spamming or griefing of any kind will be tolerated

Plugins Used:
  • DynMap (
  • Essentials
  • GriefPrevention
  • LWC
  • Towny
  • SimpleBackup
  • CraftConomy v3
  • Permissionlove
  • RealMail
  • Trading
  • Vault
  • Advanced Report
  • BetterShops
  • ChestCommands
  • Editable Signs

Town Listing:
Kensor (City)
Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: Joskuk

Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: none

Nation: none
Mayor: kio74

Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: Pompmaker2

Nation: none
Mayor: Batclone12

If you have any questions or suggestions please reply to this thread.

Off Topic / Re: Speedtest Thread
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:08:12 PM »
I like iperf for speed tests.

Off Topic / Re: Are you ready for IPv6?
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:20:12 PM »
Does anyone else think that if IPv4's open up when they run out they will charge a lot for them?

That would be cool, I'd sell all my statics :P

I think when a IPv4 IP retires ISPs may just not let anyone have it to get rid of it, not quite sure though.

Off Topic / Re: Are you ready for IPv6?
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:11:06 PM »

so i can't internet until i have ipv6?
Most sites will be staying with IPv4 (such as Google:, however will also be upgrading to IPv6 (such as Google IPv6: 2001:4860:8006::62). Some sites may drop IPv4 (however I doubt they would do such a thing), and other sites may be new and get no IPv4 address. Upon switching to IPv6, you may slowly lose internet functionality, most commonly with newer websites that don't have IPv4 addresses.

Basically, don't stress over it - websites won't be dropping on June 6th, you just may start noticing new sites that people are talking about not work for you.

If you are worried, talk to your ISP, they will be doing IPv6 because they have to.

IPv6 has been around for quite some time, take a look at this RFC (2460) from 1998:

Off Topic / Re: Are you ready for IPv6?
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:00:00 PM »
He finally returns, haha.
Go take care of your Minecraft server that's fallen to pieces.

I'm actually quite busy with rolling over several DNS and DHCP servers to IPv6 and setting up some new routing tables.

Off Topic / Re: Are you ready for IPv6?
« on: May 31, 2012, 03:49:49 PM »
i think 96.10.208.### is easier than 651812gsad91263123h12912gs
651812gsad91263123h12912gs is hard to remember, but it's ok because we will not have to remember that. We will be remembering hexadecimal, not random letters/numbers.

In case you didn't know, hex is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F

Games / Re: Minecraft Lite RP Server [1.2.5]
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:48:46 AM »
It'd be cool if Joey responded to my griefing complaint earlier.
Either fix it or give me the materials to do so myself.

Hi Skip,

Sorry about the delay in response. FireFish will get you the materials you need - I am very busy right now.

Games / Re: Minecraft Lite RP Server [1.2.5]
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:57:30 PM »
That is actually not my IP.

You're right, it could be a proxy, corporate VPN, personal VPN, rented VPS running a VPN server, could be a Cisco L2TP, OpenPPTP, you could be at work, you could be at school, college, I don't know, or care quite frankly. For all I care it could be a $50,000 free space optic link going to a house/business down the road. All I know is you have used this IP while connecting to our servers under wertel, and you did it under my name. Enough said.

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