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Messages - Light

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Biggest Regrets?
« on: December 07, 2021, 09:27:50 AM »
This is kind of just a general problem I have but it’s keeping in touch with friends. There’s a few I would be interested in catching up with just to see where they went and reminisce.

Uh, whoa. Holy stuff. I think I remember you, but you definitely won't remember me. I know for sure I remember Darkknight and some of those names you listed are familiar. Was kinda hoping I'd bump into him and see if the dude's even alive, but I never did. I lost contact with him after the charging port on my laptop broke. I didn't get another PC for a couple years. One of my last memories from that time was with me meeting someone called "Light" who had a connection to him, but I never saw them again either. Until now, I guess. Hello!

I went by a different name at the time (Flame) and was a cringy-ass kid, so I highly doubt you'll even know who I am. But for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I recognize you!

I always wondered what happened to him. He was the reason I got so involved in the community as a kid and I'm still floating around on the fringes to this day as a result.

Flame, I think I actually remember you! :) and Waldo! Hey! lol

It's been so long so I can't fully remember everyone's names. I'm pretty sure I had a squad? I remember Nano, Minority, and I think a guy named Slicksilver. Mmm.. Cat123, and.. Darkknight, mmm.. Hanna.

I wish I could remember more, but there was a lot of them. I had to stop playing because I couldn't afford to get myself a computer after my old macbook broke down. Began to live my life, then got caught up with so much stuff.

I eventually got one, but Blockland had already died. It's good to see activity in the forums at least.

Off Topic / What I don't like about this game.
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:46:53 PM »

My complaint doesn't reside at the core of the game, nor does it actually have to do with the representation. Let me be clear and dust off any miscommunication: I love Blockland.
What bothers me is that I've made so many friends back at v8 that I can't contact anymore. It's kind of sad because, despite being an avid player STILL, I tend to think that I'll get to see them some day. They're really good friends, but in actuality I don't know them 'cept by in-game name. Sometimes I wish I could get my old gang back and just hit it off in a server like we used to. Wouldn't that be cool.

Drama / Re: outpact and BlocklandAddict spamming on Sanctus Rem's server
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:08:04 AM »
If anything, I think the AoKE admins. will at least ban you for a few days or hours in the least. If they go any higher than a couple days would be absurd versus BlocklandAddict who should get banned for a week or two.

I should be doing physics but forget it, I'm bored.

General Discussion / Re: 2v2 Gladiator Tournament 2 Turbo Remix Edition
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:38:24 PM »
Me and Sound are Infinite Paradox.

General Discussion / Re: Talk about your avatars that you use for blockland
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:15:43 AM »
<--- Cause it looks cool. :D

General Discussion / Re: Private add-on trading
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:13:19 AM »
I'm loving broke. xD

General Discussion / Question for the Old Blocklanders.
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:02:31 AM »
Ever since you started your life here in the Blockland community, has it ever got boring ever since the "newborn" players joined (v10-v19)? It's a harmless question really. If some say yes, can you tell me why? I just think there's not a lot of fun severs like the ones back in v8. :C

Drama / Re: "Hostile"?
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:04:30 AM »
I loving lol'd.

General Discussion / Re: Fortress Defense!!
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:05:25 AM »
I want to be an idiot..<3
Gart the loving build is way to loving big.. xD

General Discussion / Re: V13
« on: June 22, 2009, 12:42:00 AM »
Is it possible to download v13?

General Discussion / Re: V13
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:01:57 PM »
What type of v13 are you guys talking about?

General Discussion / Re: Submit content for v11
« on: February 22, 2009, 10:04:52 PM »
Why not someone post a kick ass space ship? It would be awesome!

General Discussion / Re: The v8 is a lie.
« on: February 20, 2009, 08:06:10 PM »
I rather talk about v11 then v8 right now.. -.-

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