Author Topic: Question for the Old Blocklanders.  (Read 7163 times)

Ever since you started your life here in the Blockland community, has it ever got boring ever since the "newborn" players joined (v10-v19)? It's a harmless question really. If some say yes, can you tell me why? I just think there's not a lot of fun severs like the ones back in v8. :C

forget we're at v19?  Last time I played physics had JUST come out. Oh me.

I think the servers have become more and more unoriginal and all the same.

I used to ban people for having their ID over 7000. Damnit i had a long list!

Prepare for a wall of text.
Okay, now here's the thing.
Back in v8, when I first joined, things were much different then now.
The community wasn't an ass, and we didn't have handicaps running around like we do now; well, at least, not as much.
Everyone with an ID 6000 or above would be targeted because they were considered "noobs".
I myself think things got more boring, but once we went to v9 things changed a lot.
The events improved lots of things, and the vehicles/new addons were fun to play with.
The servers were much more creative, not just your generic TDM.
Back then, when I first started, I'd play Blockland all day because I was new, of course, and I wanted to explore the game.
Haha, I even remember getting lost in Slate because I thought I was in space :P
But really, the thing about the past of this game is mostly the community to me.
Most people nowadays are either stupid or mean.
Sometimes you can find someone that really is nice to you and end up being "friends".
But overall the game has gotten much more boring than when I was in v8-v9.
I think from v10 and on it got a little boring.
I mean, I still had tons of fun during v10-v13, but then things went a little downhill with the community.
Sorry if I got a little off topic there, but I love going in to further explanation :P

tl;dr, the community back then was better, and so was the whole "fun" thing.

Community was way nicer when I first joined.
I asked what I would now consider an obvious question in Help once and didn't get flamed.

Too many loving family rp's, theres hardly any good servers when i go on.

Blockland as game got boring. I was usually at Tails' server, snot's or Barnabas' server. I also tried my best to join into MotE and USSR servers before all the slots were filled up. Since actually no one of them hosts anymore I stopped playing (is it one and a a half year already that I haven't been playing Blockland properly?! Time flies, oh my).

As for the community.
It was MUCH better then it is right now. 3/4 of the people had a brain that they actually used. Today, from what I can see, it's 1/4 if even.

forget you, stop saying


Go die in a fire if you think this

I miss Mr.Wallet's Rise of Blockland.

Gooood times.

forget you, stop saying


Go die in a fire if you think this
But it's true, as I remember the community was a lot nicer when I joined and we didn't have an "I'm new topic" and a troll/handicap pop up everyday

When joined everyone was helpfull in telling me how to change my name and what a BL_ID was. Now they'd go LOL NOOB U DNT NO HO TO CHGNAE ANEM111 LOL I BAN U NUB1111

Some newforgets join and see how the oldforgets rage at handicaps and then the newforgets think they're cool when they're bashing a new guy.

I joined Blockland around the time Blockland Mods died, back in 2005. :panda: