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Messages - pimaster

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: Ethernet cable server hosting
« on: October 27, 2008, 12:23:06 AM »
Ok, if you can join Blockland servers then you are obviously connected to the internet. From what you have you have explained, you have an Ethernet connection. I would assume that it goes to some sort of modem/router.

If you are planning on hosting games then you need forward ports from the modem/router to your computer. There is already a sticky thread in the help forum that describes what is needed to achieve this.

General Discussion / Re: general age of posters
« on: September 15, 2008, 02:14:52 AM »
I feel like I'm out of place. I'm 24

Help / Re: Game freezing when it gains window focus
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:39:55 AM »
8 reads and no response. Am I to assume that everyone runs in full screen mode and just focuses on the game?

Help / Game freezing when it gains window focus
« on: August 23, 2008, 10:18:54 AM »
Hello help.

I've searched under "alt tab" and "windowed" but have had no luck.
I run Blockland in windowed mode so that I can view my IM apps and browse the web randomly. I have no trouble doing these things whilst Blockland is running in the background (and it does so smoothly). When Blockland regains focus (by clicking inside the window or on the title bar), everything freezes for a good 20 seconds. In v8, there used to me a message about deallocated Input when Blockland lost focus and allocating Input (keyboard, mouse and joystick I think) when it gained focus. v9 does not give me such a message.

I have a p4 2.8ghz, 2gb of ram and an x800xt video card with 256mb ram.
I am running windows XP. The graphics drivers are a little old but the new ones cause issues with some games.

1. Does anyone else have this issue? I want to find out if I am not the only one.
2. Is there a way to fix this? Do I have to change some settings or such.
3. Is this working as intended? I wonder if it is a bug that I could report and hopefully one day have fixed.

Thanks in advance for any insightful/helpful responses.

General Discussion / Re: The Bank of Blockland challenge
« on: August 14, 2008, 02:09:18 AM »
This sux. There is a jump I can't make, otherwise I'd have it done.
I wouldn't want to call this a practical bank.

I guess there is some sort of glitch jump/jumppack jump you can do to get past it but I'm yet to figure it out.

I would just like confirmation that it is actually doable.

I guess I should take into consideration that this hole in the bottom of the wall may just be a distraction from a real way to get into the vault.

Gallery / Re: Tower of Maze
« on: July 29, 2008, 11:24:05 PM »
I think I still went by pimaster. But it seems so long ago that I really can't remember.
I found out about this game at a lan. They put up a server and we went crazy. Really fun when everyone is so tired that they don't care what they are doing :P

Gallery / Tower of Maze
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:07:49 PM »
Hey guys, I used to play this game when it was free and was tempting back into it after seeing the maze buildings.
So, here is my multi-story maze. Not huge, but you get lost.

Yeah, I know. Could use some colour.
I've uploaded the bls file for those that want to run through it. Hope that is all you need.

Ratings welcomed but will probably be ignored since this was just a quick and dirty test.
I would like to know if you get lost in it though.

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