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Topics - AromaniaFTW

Pages: 1 [2]
Music / Gumba Jonny's Good stuff
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:52:55 PM »
Here's some guccigoodstuff I've made of various soundtracks from varying sources.
That I like.
Hopefully this is a needed break from doobstepppe, house cigarette music, and stuffty hiphop with high singing that sucks richard, right?

I also take requests but I really don't like most of what you guys suggest lol



Space Trip Steps - listen here
9/30 update:
  • transition is now dirty stuff.
  • Background track in Knuckles' stage "Meteor Herd", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • My favorite.

Deeper - listen here
10/3 update:
  • loving finally got the version i wanted. much better loop.
  • Background track in Knuckles' stage "Death Chamber", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • Good for love RPs!

A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup - listen here
  • Background track in Knuckles' stage "Pumpkin Hill", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • we in pumpkin hill. u reddi???

Dive Into the Mellow - listen here
  • Background track in Knuckles' stage "Aquatic Mine", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • The chillest song ever.

Kick The Rock - listen here
  • Background track in Knuckles' stage "Wild Canyon", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • gayest lyrics of 2001 (yes that's how old sonic adventure 2 is)


Way to the Base - listen here
  • Background track in Eggman's stage "Sand Ocean", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download


Vengeance is Mine - listen here
  • Background track in Shadow's stage "Radical Highway", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download

Rhythm and Balance - listen here
  • Background track in Shadow's stage "White Jungle", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download


I'm A Spy - listen here
9/30 update:
  • much better loop albeit a much larger filesize now.
  • Background track in Rouge's stage "Security Hall", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • only took me twenty loving tries to beat the mission.

34°N 23°E - listen here
  • Background track in Rouge's stage "Mad Space", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • another loop from another loving gay mission

Lovely Gate - listen here
  • Background track in Rouge's stage "Egg Quarters", Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Download
  • ignore the name it's actually a very catchy tune


Newbie Melody - do you really need a preview??
Version from 2004, when music was first released.
  • RuneScape track unlocked when you start the game.
  • Download
  • HELL forgetIN YEA

Jungly2 - listen here
Version from late 2006.
  • RuneScape track unlocked in Karamja, near Tai Bwo Wannai (I think).
  • Download
  • underrated and would make great research music i guess

Flute Salad - listen here
Version from 2004, when music was first released.
  • RuneScape track unlocked on the way to Draynor Village.
  • Download
  • forgeten highwaymen

Unknown Land - listen here
Version from 2004, when music was first released.
  • RuneScape track unlocked in and around Draynor Village.
  • Download
  • forgeten jail guards

Attack 4 - listen here
Version from late 2006.
  • RuneScape track unlocked in the Khazard Battlefield.
  • Download
  • relive murdering level 19 khazard soldiers!

Ready for Battle - listen here
Version from late 2006.
  • RuneScape track unlocked in the Castle Wars waiting room before a match.
  • Download
  • classic.

Doorways - listen here
Version from 2004, when music was first released.
  • RuneScape track unlocked east of Edgeville where the Grand Exchange is today.
  • Download
  • forgeten wildy and soap opera bullstuff


Stricken - listen here
Heavy metal song by Disturbed.
  • Disturbed song from album "Ten Thousand Fists".
  • Download
  • A part of most of our childhoods and adolescences.

Warning - listen here
Rap by Notorious B.I.G.
  • Notorious B.I.G song from album "Ready to Die".
  • Download
  • mah bahretta

Sad But True - listen here
Heavy metal song by Metallica.
  • Metallica song from album "Metallica", or the "Black Album".
  • Download
  • forget YEAH

Careless Whisper - listen here
Pop song by George Michael.
  • George Michael pop/smooth jazz single.
  • Download
  • best "Careless Whisper" loop out there (i promise)

Clique - listen here
Hiphop song by Kanye West and a few other black people.
  • Kanye West song from album "Cruel Summer".
  • Download

Pride FC Theme - listen here
Big collaboration thing made by a couple of asians.
  • Theme song for the (defunct) Pride Fighting Championships MMA promotion.
  • Download
  • yes i do mma

Kurt Angle Theme - listen here
WWE wrestler theme song.
  • Kurt Angle's theme song in the WWE professional wrestling promotion.
  • Download
  • fact: Kurt Angle won his gold medal in the 1996 Summer Olympics while wrestling with a broken neck.

You Look Fly 2Day - listen here
WWE wrestler and team theme song.
  • The theme song of Rikishi and 2Cool (w/ Rikishi) in the WWE professional wrestling promotion.
  • Download
  • one of the most iconic theme songs ever

Music / Space Trip Steps (Sonic Adventure 2)
« on: March 11, 2013, 08:07:23 PM »
Here's a loop I made of "Space Trip Steps", the hip-hop/electronic background song from Sonic Adventure 2 in the mission "Meteor Herd".

  • The song is cut down to about half. Don't worry, nothing really good was cut out.
  • In order to meet the memory limit, the song was sped up slightly as well as compressed slightly.

Download it here.
More stuff to come if you guys enjoy this.

Off Topic / Probably have school tomorrow :/
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:29:54 PM »
So yeah blah blah blah huge blizzard.
I live in Long Island (the boner of New York) and we're supposed to get hit hard (6-8 inches like my richard which doesnt sound that hard at all). Well apparently it's forecasted to reach 6 inches by 5 PM tomorrow afternoon in Farmingdale (a nearby town but still in my county i think). Well forget. all of my hopes and dreams are gone.

Anyone else get forgeted over?

Off Topic / Level 15!
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:51:09 AM »
Today I become level 15, which is known as 15 years old.
So yeah.
yay for me.

What do you even unlock at Level 15? I know that when I level up again I can work, though.

« on: February 22, 2013, 03:22:02 PM »
I seriously never thought this day would come.
I'm buying membership again just for this.
Anyone else?

Modification Help / Shooting the left-handed gun with a right click
« on: February 21, 2013, 05:33:00 PM »
(I'm inexperienced with Torque, or with any language in that case.)

Okay so in reply to this topic, I attempted to create an akimbo weapon in which the player holds the SMG in the right hand (normal) and fires using the left mouse button (normal) but Kaje's Double Barrel Shotgun in the left hand using the right mouse button to fire normally (load -> shoot -> repeat).
 I tried to accomplish this via this strategy:

Code: [Select]
package AkimboSMGLupara
   function Armor::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val)

This doesn't work. I tried the approach by ripping code and combining it to produce armor::onTrigger, typical for secondary fire weapons, and "obj.setImageTrigger" from Guns_Akimbo. What am I doing wrong? Or is it that what I'm trying to do is completely wrong?

The left-handed DB Shotgun image is mounted correctly and everything.
The gun's .cs is provided as an attachment.
Thank you.

Drama / Mop - good troll (?) or biggest tool
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:16:00 PM »
BL_ID- 33372

So I'm playing on Super's TDM.
Along comes Mop.
He takes things too literally and thought he was smarter and better than everyone else playing on the server.
It's hard to describe him, other than this magic word: TOOL

I forgot what happened at first, but I ended up joking around and saying "fite me kid" and "i lift 220" and "your mom weighs 220". I was obviously joking around, any smart person could see. Another person in the server even joined in.
Mop thought I was being serious and stated his belief that I was a small, ignorant child.
I then called him thick and told him I was kidding around.
He then tries to argue with me and then complains saying that I won't stop even though he had started the argument.
After we stop, he does that bullstuff where a person has something to say after every little word you say.
Then after a while he figures out that you can votekick; he tries to votekick me.
The host stops the votekick and he gets angry.
After another votekick, yet again stopped by the host, he calls the host a dumbass and whatnot.
After that, I votekick him. Not stopped by the host, he is kicked from the game.
He then tries to spam my IRC.

Throughout the whole time, he was expressing how much of a tool he was, for example, saying "stop, you don't know if he's a kid" when a player referred to an AFK blocker as a "kid" when he was complaining about him blocking the way into the shop.

Here's some images of his bullstuff:

And a very honorable mention:


Off Topic / I had Five Guys for the first time today.
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:03:39 PM »
All I ever hear about Five Guys is about their burgers and how good they are.
I had it for the first time today, and I must say, it really isn't as good as people say it is. It's okay, not anything special. Their burgers are no different from other fast-casual restaurants like Burger Bite or other places, which I've heard that Five Guys is better than. Honestly, the bacon burger I got from this deli once for two bucks was a LOT better than the bacon burger that I had today for $6.75 (not to mention that this certain deli is a lot less of a drive). The fries aren't spectacular, either; even when they were hot.
I can't trust my friends now.
What do you guys think?

Games / Combat Arms Megathread
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:26:35 PM »
I'll probably make a prettier OP later, hold on to your butts.
Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how popular this game is. For those who don't know, it's a giant clusterforget Free-to-Play-but-Pay-to-Win MMOFPS that will prove to be a waste of valuable time and can really take up huge amounts of time. It also lags like stuff and half of the playerbase (even in the North American version of the game) doesn't speak English.
But although gameplay is always sub-par compared to what it could be, even when you're in a lag free server and when you're kicking ass, it's extremely addicting. Maybe it could be because there's over 300 loving reskinned guns, which is probably my main reason for still playing this game.
So, if you've played, feel free to say pretty much anything you want, whether it's about your experiences, having a cool friend that sent you a perm gun, or how much you hate Nexon, or about how one gun in the game was so rape and may be one of the best in gaming history.

Modification Help / Syntax error in script
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:39:29 PM »
I feel like an idiot for posting for this kind of help, but I'm very bad when it comes to syntax errors.
I get a syntax error for this:

Code: [Select]
datablock ProjectileData(HunterSniperProjectile : MilitarySniperProjectile)
   projectileShapeName = "add-ons/Vehicle_Tank/tankbullet.dts"
   directDamage   ##  ##     = 80;
   directDamageType    = $DamageType::HunterSniper;
   radiusDamageType    = $DamageType::HunterSniper;

   brickExplosionRadius = 0.4;
   brickExplosionImpact = true;          //destroy a brick if we hit it directly?
   brickExplosionForce  = 30;
   brickExplosionMaxVolume = 25;          //max volume of bricks that we can destroy
   brickExplosionMaxVolumeFloating = 35;  //max volume of bricks that we can destroy if they aren't connected to the ground

   impactImpulse      = 300;
   verticalImpulse     = 100;
   explosion           = shotgunexplosion;

   muzzleVelocity      = 200;
   velInheritFactor    = 1;

   armingDelay         = 0;
   lifetime            = 70;
   fadeDelay           = 0;
   isBallistic         = true;
   gravityMod = 0.7;

## signifies where the console says the syntax error is.

What the HELL am I supposed to fix!?

.cs file is included if necessary.
Thank you.

Modification Help / Changing default pain/death sound
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:21:34 PM »
Using the server.cs file from Bushido's/Munk's Footsteps Mod, I tried to replace the pain and death sounds. After I edited the script, everything worked, except, well, for the new pain/death sounds. Here is the script:

Code: [Select]

function addNewSounds()
jumpSound.fileName = "./SOUNDS/sn_jump.wav";

lightOnSound.fileName = "./SOUNDS/lightOn.wav";

lightOffSound.fileName = "./SOUNDS/lightOff.wav";

deathSound.fileName = "./SOUNDS/death.wav";

painSound.fileName = "./SOUNDS/pain.wav";


package newSounds
function JumpSound::onAdd(%this)

%this.fileName = "./SOUNDS/sn_jump.wav";

function lightOnSound::onAdd(%this)

%this.fileName = "./SOUNDS/lighton.wav";

function lightOffSound::onAdd(%this)

%this.fileName = "./SOUNDS/lightOff.wav";

function deathSound::onAdd(%this)

%this.fileName = "./SOUNDS/death.wav";

function painSound::onAdd(%this)

%this.fileName = "./SOUNDS/pain.wav";


Bear with me, I'm new to TorqueScript.
The things I added were, obviously the lines with "pain.wav" and "death.wav".
What am I doing wrong?

edit: I suck at posting links

Link to addon (remains unchanged, except for pain.wav and death.wav)

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