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Topics - Antares

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Gallery / GTT Viano City development *official thread*
« on: October 01, 2017, 05:21:17 PM »

Welcome back to Viano City. Viano City used to be a famous map in Blockland five years ago before the terrain and interiors were replaced by the shadows and shader update in 2012. It's almost five years later and people still love this map so much.

Last week I've decided to rebuild Viano City for version 21, using the ModTer bricks and a special modified color set. The desert, military base, buildings and much other stuff still needs to be made. This Viano City will be a little different, but will stay pretty much the same.

Q: Will there be easter-eggs?
A: Yes.

Q: Will the airport be longer then it used to be in the original map?
A: Yes. This was always painful for the larger passenger planes to take-off. The airport will also be made more realistic.

Q: Will the original buildings be rebuild?
A: Yes, except one house. The mansion will not return and be replaced by a special villa house.

Q: Can the original road textures be made again using ModTer bricks?
A: This can be done, I will need to figure out how since I never made print bricks.

Q: Can I beta-test?
A: There wont be any beta testers needed since this is made out of bricks.

Q: You were working on GTT Blocko Santos after Viano City was released. Why it was never been finished?
A: Blocko Santos had to be the most ambitious city I've ever made. When Kompressor announced the shadows and shader update in February 2012, I knew that it would be useless to finish the map in time before the update would be released. The map still exits today, but the Torque Constructor files of the map have been lost for ever when I had a HDD crash in 2014.

But yes, I will finish Blocko Santos too in bricks.

Old video's
Viano City trailer 1
Viano City trailer 2

Here is another interesting concept that is screaming to be build.

Gallery / Blocko Hotel Peekarica [24/7]
« on: September 27, 2017, 05:30:01 PM »

Back in the days of 2010, Blocko Hotel Peekarica used to be famous in Blockland with tens of people playing the server each time it was up.

It all started way back in December 2009 with someone else to recreate a public room from the real Habbo Hotel. Once the Welcome Lounge was done, ideas popped up to recreate Habbo Hotel with working navigator, public rooms, private rooms and more! In May 2010, the Alpha edition of Blocko Hotel was opened for the public. The server was then hosted until 2012, when the VPS went down taking Blocko Hotel with it. old topic >>

In 2013 I started to rebuild the project, making it better detailed and more realistic. However, the lack of interest and the removal of terrain and interiors years ago delayed the project a long time. It's 2017 now, the motivation went to the fullest and Blocko Hotel beta edition is ready to be opened to the public!

Upcoming Events:
*Easter, March 2018
* Blockowood, April 2018

Creativity / Fallout Heerlen series
« on: April 22, 2017, 11:35:50 AM »
Hey guys,

Some months ago I posted my project Fallout Heerlen. A map made for Blockland Classic Mod.

When I made The 100 intro for fun I am seriously thinking right now to make series about Fallout Heerlen. If some of you liked The 100 series you should check out my fan intro.

It would be fun to see The 100 in a Blockland theme with realistic scenarios how the world will be like after nuclear war.

Ideas are welcome.

Suggestions & Requests / [REQ] Vehicle
« on: November 30, 2016, 02:30:05 PM »
Hey all,

I am looking for someone who is willing to design this vehicle. It's a remix of the real Hyundai Excel, Accent and a bit of the VDL Mini Car in it. I designed the vehicle by myself in Now I'm looking for someone who wants to make this car and export it into Blockland. The name for the vehicle could be; Bloxel. I know that the black grill doesn't really match on the bumper, but hey, it's just a concept.

I've never had time to design the back, but it was supposed to look like this:


Games / Blockland Classic Mod | * Trailer updated *
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:02:58 PM »

Welcome to Blockland Classic Mod! Blockland Classic Mod is a heavily modified Blockland Vanilla. This modification can be seen like Return To Blockland 1.045, a major overhaul for Blockland 0002/Vanilla. The base for the modification was build on the Blockland Mods 1.6 core. This made some features easier like saving, giving your self a handful of bricks via a brick window and some other things. This features were also fixed up and made better in the last versions of BCM. Most of the Vanilla textures, tools, GUI, gameplay and other stuff was mixed up with Blockland Retail.

It is not meant to copy Blockland Retail but it is to resemble Vanilla and old Retail (2007-2012) together, since Blockland heavily changed in Summer 2012. The game works the same as you played Blockland Vanilla or Retail.

If you're playing on a laptop, I'd recommend to change the build brick controls in the options window.

Starting a server
Most of the people will know the great old start server window. Press on a map name in the list, check out the map image, checking other important stuff and launch the server whenever you're ready.

Joining a server
To join a server, press Join a Server in the menu of Blockland Classic Mod, press Query Internet and a list of servers should popup. If this doesn't happen, there aren't any servers up at the moment. If there are servers popping up, press on a server name and click Join Server.

Waiting to spawn
Since version 9 it's possible to see the map image during the loading process. This will make it easier for people to recognize a map faster, this only happens when you have the same installed maps as the host.

Decorate your Blockhead
The best way to decorate your Blockhead is by joining or starting a server, wait for spawn and you will see your player in third person by pressing TAB. Press CTRL + O, press on the Appearance button in the menu and change the looks and color of your player.

Sitting was never so easy
Since version 8, you can sit everywhere you want. Press the X button on your keyboard to sit.

Build anything you want
Blockland Vanilla is using bricks as static shapes. Since Torque Game Engine 1.5.2, the latest version, can support more static shapes in a map it should be possible to hit the 1000 to 2500 bricks with little lag.
Quote from: Wedge
Retail uses a new brick rendering system.

First of all, it renders in quads instead of tris. Traditionally, bricks were rendered as a series of triangles arranged in a cube shape. Now, the bricks have each of their faces rendered as a cube. This effectively doubled performance. Instead of lagging at 900 bricks, the game began to have performance issues at 1800 bricks.

The editor wand was originally an old work around for this problem in Vanilla. With the release of Retail, it is being dropped from the game.

There is another side to this story though. If you have seen some of the videos or images from Retail, you will notice that it can handle a lot more bricks. This leads into the second reason why the editor wand is being dropped.

To further increase performance, Badspot created a new rendering method. Bricks were no longer models. Instead, a series of angles and textures were fed into the engine, and boom, a brick appeared. No more model. This resulted in a huge change to the game.

Editor Wand
In Blockland Classic Mod you can use the Editor Wand if you're a administrator in the server. Simple, open up the Administrator menu by pressing CTRL + A. Hit the Editor Wand button, close the Administrator window again and hit the brick you want to scale or rotate. Now press CTRL + Q, and you can change the brick properties. Don't forget to press Numlock 0, or the brick will disappear!

Brick Selector
Just like Blockland Retail, you can open up the Brick window by pressing the B key. Now you can select a brick you like by pressing the gray button below it.

Any questions are welcome!

Creativity / Fallout Heerlen map
« on: September 21, 2016, 03:00:13 PM »

Hey all,

I will keep it short. I think that everyone knew Lord Tony's map Fallout. Last year some idea's popped up to rebuild my home city into a fallout map. The development began quickly and so over the past months I've nearly finished the map. It has been made for Blockland Classic Mod, a v0002 standalone mod. Too bad that the interiors and maps were removed in Blockland Retail, it would have been amazing how this could have been turned out with lots of players doing RPG or DM'ing in this map. Imagine this map with all the useful Add-ons that Blockland has to offer like vehicles, bots, weapons, etc.

The story in this map
Welcome to Heerlen, a small city with a population of 89.382 people in the South part of The Netherlands, Limburg. It was July 2018 when the Ukraine crCIA began to burn like fire. By mistake, Russia began to destroy NATO ammunition warehouses. NATO responded with shooting back at Russian and Rebel forces, but that very same day, Russia invaded the Baltic states pushing hundreds of miles into Europe.

Quickly a electromagnetic pulse was detonated over NATO headquarters in Brussel, causing a massive destruction and chaos to the West Europe's infrastructure. America and NATO respond back with electromagnetic pulse bombs over parts of Russia, East Europe, Ukraine and China. Then the air raid sirens were raiding the skies, everything went quiet after that white flash and loud dull bang bounced through the skies for hundreds of miles.

It's 2056 now, Heerlen has been abandoned like many other cities over the world after World War III. It is time to go to the surface and see what is left of the city.

Let me know what you guys think of it.

Off Topic / Show off your car thread
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:26:52 AM »
Do you have a car? Show it off here! Some people wondered what happened with my car after the accident. Let's have a look how this fine Hyundai Excel 1.3i SE HB is doing today!

Before the accident (25 July 2015)

Accident on 9 December 2015

Today (17 April 2016)

Off Topic / Car engine wont start after accident
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:18:01 PM »
Hey all,

Maybe an important question after a car accident last Wednessday. So it's been a long story, let's keep it short: There was busy traffic on the road, there were two roads on my right side, on the first road the line of cars stopped in time. After the first bigger car on the second road an old men came out with a speed of 25 mph, hitting the corner of my bumper on the right side. There were only four meters left before the accident, so I stopped as fast as possible but yeah... the nightmare happened.

After all drama had been solved, the police told me if I wanted to move the car so the engine gave "one click" after starting and that's it. For anyone who wants to read further; last Friday the car was declared "total loss", the price of repairing the bumper and all damaged material came up around €2000,- ($2.198,00 USD), that's €947 ($1.040,75 USD) higher then the car's price today.

Is anybody familiar with the Hyundai Excel 1.3? I'd know that it is a popular car for students like me.

For the damage, see picture below.

Creativity / Maps Design Megathread
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:33:24 AM »

Maps Design Megathread

Welcome to the maps design megathread. This is the thread where you can share off maps you have made in Blockland before the shadows and shader update or in other games. Yes, maps you've made for example in Multi Theft Auto are allowed too!

Mapping Tips
  • Make the map detailed as much as possible
  • Maps without trees, building, mountains, valley's are boring
  • Use 3dsMax, SketchUp or Gmax
  • Use Torque Constructor only if you're going to make interiors for Torque games
  • Use high quality textures (512x512)
  • Let people show the difference between a medieval map and modern city map

More information will be added soon..

AoT General / Release Age Of Time with Host / Join a Server?
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:38:59 PM »
» Age Of Time group on Facebook

Hey guys,

I haven't been for a long time on Age Of Time but I just saw that the game will turn 10 years next year in April. I think that the game should be released with the old option to "Host or Join a Server" because I think it is a waste of time to keep up the dedicated official server for Age Of Time.

I think, not long from now, Badspot will shutdown the server. The game hasn't been updated since 2009, and I doubt that Badspot will ever continue this project. Age Of Time should be released with multiplayer and add-on support. Anyone who agrees with me?

Custom maps
Imagine all the custom maps that people will make for Age Of Time once the Mission Editor, host and join a server is back in v30. I think the game can turn out great if there were different maps made by other people. It has been done in the past, but those maps were not working correctly.

Gallery / United States of Peekarica [DEVELOPMENT]
« on: April 10, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »

For the past seven months I have been working on my own city in Blockland, in private. The idea came from Sylvanor's Seattle Default City. The entire map is made out of 40k bricks and I am planning to expand the map with villages, mountains and another large great city. I have chosen to make it small because most of the map will never be used by people when it is used in servers.

This entire project was build by me and I just had to built it. I have never built a big city before and this is the first and largest one I've ever made.

Antares, BL_ID 6979


I am planning to finish off the first city, then the village Viano in the mountains and then the beaches around the island. Then I'll expand the island. I don't need any help at the moment.

Off Topic / WordPress error on 000webhost
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:07:50 AM »
Hey all,

Does anyone have this error too at their WordPress blogs, hosted on 000webhost? I have tried to contact their helpdesk but they say that the php memory_limit is still the same. However I smell stuff at this host that they are pushing people with free hosting to get a paid host. After that they closed my ticket. I was wondering if someone has this problem too.
Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /home/a5906468/public_html/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 375


Earth Simulator is a PHP and JS browser game that is currently and privately in development. On 18 April I've started the progress on this game with a simple login, register came a day later and then it was beginning to take shape. Since I saw and joined the Earth forum game of Shinji, I had always a great idea to turn this entire thing into a browser game.

You can join the early Alpha game right


Earth Simulator will be an economic browser game where players can start their own empire or join an existing empire. Empires can leave their planet when they are in civilization stage, and can leave the solar system if they reached the space stage. Traveling between stars should take five minutes.

I don't need any beta-testers at the moment, since I've already three people chosen.


Login - 100%
Register - 100%
Update ID - 100%

Anti-SQL Injection - 90%
MD5 passwords - 100%

Create Empire - 0%
Join existing Empire - 0%
News System - 100%
Close Window(s) - 100%

Visit stars - 100%
Visiting planets - 10%
Making countries - 2%
Posting news about countries - 2%

Phone System
Private Message system - 100%
Profile updating - 100%
Members list - 100%

Chatbox - 0%
Private Chatbox - 0%


Off Topic / Good idea to begin with Java coding?
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:06:25 AM »
Since two days ago I started with Java coding. I've followed many tutorials and I know where the basic functions stand for example: Private String, else, int, calculator thing like (name >= 18) and stuff like that. But I heard from several people that Java has limits. Does this mean I need to cut off from Java and start learning C++ or C#?

Games / Galaxy55; Alpha [Free/Multiplayer&Singleplayer]
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:15:00 AM »

Galaxy55 is a game like Minecraft, developed by Twinoid. You build on a planet, generated out of cubes. Explore the universe, colonize a planet, and turn it into a multiplayer and build with your friends! Collect resources and customize your space ship! Galaxy55 is currently in Alpha, it's classic and simple yet. The game was launched in March 2012.

Cubes List


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