Author Topic: Briefcase  (Read 19172 times)

Nice... makes good terrorists!

Maker of timebomb (i dont know who): Timebomb script

Melting plastic.

A bomb version...........
Right, cause' no one expects a bomb in a briefcase these days, right? Now, I'll shoot anyone holding one of these, lol. :cookieMonster:

Ummm well it doesn't look like a bomb.  Ahah it's a bomb in disguise. But what is it disguised as? A rock maybe? Nah too thin. A mine? Nah it has straps.  A breifcase? Nah too round. Whatever it is it doesn't look like a bomb so i'll use it.

A bomb version...........
Right, cause' no one expects a bomb in a briefcase these days, right? Now, I'll shoot anyone holding one of these, lol. :cookieMonster:
Nice bump, starfish.

Locking due to: I hate this addon.