Author Topic: Retail Interviews from old site.  (Read 2823 times)

Here are some interviews from my site which will clear up some things, but some stuff might be changed.
I couldn't find the oldest interview, but here are the rest:

dUMBELLS says:
How does the spraycan work, is it like the Blockland version or like the RTB version?
dUMBELLS says:
As in do you get to transparency paints with the center mouse button?
Wedge says:
You press the r key, and it cycles the pallete you are using, you cycle individual colors with the scroll wheel.
dUMBELLS says:
What palletes are there
Wedge says:
There are normal colors, transparent colors, bold colors, sandy colors, and fx..
Wedge says:
Colors are server defines, so you can create your own palletes, and people will be able to see them, without having to download a thing.
Wedge says:
If you load something using a different pallete, its pallete will be loaded as well, so the colors appear the same.
dUMBELLS says:
You mentioned that you can create your own palletes, can you also create game modes?
Wedge says:
Not yet
dUMBELLS says:
Does badspot plan on it?
Wedge says:
SInce that doesn't directly relate to building, it will probably be up to mods.
Wedge says:
The ability to make server side game modes already exists, however.
dUMBELLS says:
Will RPG support be included in the game?
Wedge says:
I don't know
dUMBELLS says:
Will in-game IRC exist?
Wedge says:
I'm not sure.
dUMBELLS says:
Wouldn't be too difficult.
Wedge says:
Since that requires little if any source code modification, I'm assumig it would be left for mods.
Wedge says:
The GG resource exists, I believe RTB used a modified version of it.
Wedge says:
It appears Badspot is focusing on features that mods can't easily add, and performance issues.
dUMBELLS says:
Wedge says:
The sort of why recreate RTB, it puts RTB out of a job sort of thing.
dUMBELLS says:
Well has badspot added any admin commands, if so how does he keep it under control?
Wedge says:
He keeps it under control with an admin password. The current commands are clear all bricks, change map, kick, ban, find and bring players, and spy.
dUMBELLS says:
Wedge says:
It is a 3rd person view centered around players, that allows you to see where they are, and what they are doing.
dUMBELLS says:
Ok another question
dUMBELLS says:
How are letters added to bricks?
Wedge says:
It works like a decal. You can color the brick behind it any color, even transparent, and apply any special effects you could apply to a normal brick.
dUMBELLS says:
Are there day and night maps in place?
Wedge says:
dUMBELLS says:
Are the bricks still catagorized in Bricks and Plates or in Bricks Plates Slopes Special ect. Or is it catagorized differently
Wedge says:
They are still categorized that way.
dUMBELLS says:
Is there a Magic Wand, if there is then what are its modes?
Wedge says:
There is a wand. Currently, it has a smash brick mode, and that is all
dUMBELLS says:
Smash? Isn't that the hammers job?
Wedge says:
It can break bricks that are anchored. Try using the hammer and wand in Vanilla blockland, you will see how it works.
dUMBELLS says:
Has green hills been improved in any way?
Wedge says:
It has been redone, but I've never played it, or even seen it. The original green hills was a test map anyway
dUMBELLS says:
How has the kitchen been improved, a user on the forums asked if there was a mousehole with cheese
Wedge says:
The kitchen was originally designed by someone else, I was pretty sure Chronic did it, but maybe I'm confused. Anyway, it looks better, it has exterior terrain, lots of neat hiding places, and some nice lighting.
dUMBELLS says:
Are there any new maps?
Wedge says:
Kitchen, Bedroom, Dark Bedroom, and Slate
dUMBELLS says:
Wedge says:
Its a big building spot, floating in the sky. If you have seen the huge ice castle build, that is the map.
Wedge says:
It is also the map the maze was built on
dUMBELLS says:
Oh, kinda like RTB's lava map without the lava and red fog, right?
Wedge says:
More like astro's Digital Designer map, with the exception that instead of using a huge stretched block, he uses an interior.
dUMBELLS says:
Are recordings still in the game?
Wedge says:
I'm not sure. I haven't been able to figure out how to use it.
dUMBELLS says:
How did badspot get the backround to have buttons with only text
Wedge says:
Wedge says:
There are tutorials to do that on Garage Games, I belive.
dUMBELLS says:
What sections of a minifig can you customize?
Wedge says:
Hands, legs, arms, torso, pack, face and body decal, and hat.
dUMBELLS says:
Wedge says:
Wedge says:
Its called torso in-game.
dUMBELLS says:
dUMBELLS says:
Does the minifig's head seem to get in the way, seeing its bigger then the current head
Wedge says:
Kaphix's image was a huge exageration. When you are in first person, you don't notice any differenece. In third person, the head is proportional to the rest of the body, its just not a cylinder anymore.
dUMBELLS says:
What version is retail in right now?
Wedge says:
dUMBELLS says:
Do you think clans should exist in retail?
Wedge says:
That is up to people. After Counter-Strike went retail, clans didn't all of the sudden die out.
Wedge says:
I think you could easily use the unique game keys to create a clan manager, where you could post simple messages and bullitens, and a clan browser, where people can post ads for them.
dUMBELLS says:
Is rotating in retail possible, I know that stretching isn't
Wedge says:
By pressing 9 or 7, you rotate the brick by 90 degrees. All other brick transformation, translation, and rotation features are for modders to add.
dUMBELLS says:
What are some of the properties you can give a brick?
Wedge says:
Particle emiters, direction you want the particle to travel in, dynamic light properties, flashing, glowing, jello, pearl, chrome, and swirl.
dUMBELLS says:
Pearl, chrome, and swirl?
Wedge says:
pearl and chrome are lighting effects, they make the brick appear shiny. Swirl looks sort of like an emergency light on a police car.
dUMBELLS says:
What is the difference between pearl and chrome?
Wedge says:
I guess you would need to see them in game, they are fairly similiar.
Wedge says:
Chrome gives stuff a metalic reflective look, and pearl looks like... a pearl.
Wedge says:
Just the way the light glistens on the brick from certain angles
dUMBELLS says:
Mabye you could get a video of it soon, is there a help menu?
Wedge says:
Getting a video ingame depends of if the minifig chest glitch is fixed, and most people don't really care about the guis, its easier just to tell you what they do. I can't remember if the game has its own help manaul yet, but I'm starting it, and I'll paste in sections if it does have one.
dUMBELLS says:
The minifig chest glitch?
Wedge says:
Its something wierd with the chest not rendering, and a wierd smearing effect occurs.

dUMBELLS: Alright I'm going to ask some questions about a few things that may be hard to answer.
dUMBELLS: You ready?
Mocheeze: Ok, I'll do my best to answer. :)
dUMBELLS: Do the horses lag at all?
Mocheeze: I've never experienced any lag from horses, so I'd have to say they don't lag at all.
Mocheeze: The bedroom map loads with 4 horses, and I've never seen or heard of any problems with them.
dUMBELLS: Are there any secrets in the kitchen?
Mocheeze: Yeah, there are plenty of hidden areas to find. Some will take a lot of exploring. The bedroom has its fair share of secret areas too.
dUMBELLS: Did Badspot get rid of The Slopes map?
Mocheeze: I haven't seen him host it yet, but I know he has plans to make more maps, so I can't say whether slopes will or won't be in the final version.
dUMBELLS: Wedge told me in another interview that Badspot redid the Green Hills map, has he hosted it?
Mocheeze: That part of the interview actually confused me, since I haven't heard anything about Green Hills being remade for retail. I've never seen it, but it's possible that Wedge might have heard something I didn't. I do remember Badspot saying that the Green Hills in v0002 was just a little test map that Badspot whipped together.
dUMBELLS: How does the new appearance GUI work?
Mocheeze: Well, you can select every individual piece and assign a color to it. Every piece has its own preview, and then you have a 3d preview of the assembled minifigure, which you can rotate and zoom. You can also randomize all of the colors, and keep color symmetry between pieces like the arms, or the legs.
dUMBELLS: Have you've tested the engine's limits yourself?
Mocheeze: What do you mean exactly?
dUMBELLS: Have you've tested how many bricks the engine could hold before it crashed?
Mocheeze: Of course, haha. I don't remember how many bricks it takes before stuff begins to lag, since Badspot is always making improvements with every new release. It's probably hard to commit to a final number anyway since there are more factors that have to be considered besides just the raw number of bricks. Some bricks have more polygons than others, some maps might have more polygons, and the number of people in a server probably effects the resources available too. I can say with confidence that retail is much more efficient than v0002.
dUMBELLS: Is there a persistance system?
Mocheeze: There is a saving system, yes.
dUMBELLS: Is it different then rtb's saving system?
Mocheeze: Any admin can upload a save file, and anyone on a server can save the bricks. It's way more efficient than the out-dated persistence system that RTB uses.
Mocheeze: I'll just add that we're going with a new saving system in RTB 1.05. :)
dUMBELLS: What are some of the worse bugs you've seen, I know the minifig chest glitch.
Mocheeze: Well, it's hard to say, since Badspot just fixes the bugs right away when we find them. I'd say the worst bugs are when people get dropped from the server. One time, Badspot went through 3 versions in one night to fix a problem where only one person could join the server, and the rest just timed out after they spawned.
dUMBELLS: Its good that Badspot takes the time to fix these.
Mocheeze: That's the whole reason why we test it in the first place. :)
dUMBELLS: Is Badspot concentrating on editing or adding new things?
Mocheeze: Both, I'd say. He has a massive list of features "To-Do/Done" that all beta testers can see. It's a mix between optimizations, new features, and bugs. I know he has other things that he's working on that aren't in that list too.
dUMBELLS: In the thread, "Blockland Retail Beta Screenshots", can you explain some of the shots?
Mocheeze: Sure, just tell me which ones. I'd be happy to.
dUMBELLS: Ok lets start with screen #10
Mocheeze: Could you provide me with links? I want to make sure I have the right ones.
dUMBELLS: Alright, #10 is
Mocheeze: This is from an early version of a town we've been making. The building looked like a Scientology temple ( ), so I built that sign using 1x1s and brick prints.
Mocheeze: That "temple" is now a museum.
dUMBELLS: I saw in Badspots video
dUMBELLS: Shot #11
Mocheeze: We built a financial district (like Wall Street) in a secret area of the bedroom. In that pic you're looking at the entrance (which comes through the back of a bank). We made it a requirement that all people wear suits when they're in the financial district.
dUMBELLS: Shot #13
Mocheeze: We built a platform in the middle of the grass field around the bedroom house.
dUMBELLS: What is Badspot using?
Mocheeze: That's the bow. I accidentally messed up my textures, so it looks a little odd. It's supposed to be all brown.
dUMBELLS: Shot #16
dUMBELLS: I can also see a secret in that shot
Mocheeze: Badspot built a menacing looking tower, and I took a picture of Rotondo posing in it. He looks pretty, doesn't he?
dUMBELLS: Yeah not scary in any way shape or form... :P
dUMBELLS: Shot #18 (This might take a lot of explaining)
Mocheeze: Ummm, no comment. That's personal. ;)
dUMBELLS: Shot #24
Mocheeze: There were skis at the top of the kitchen's roof, so we made an icy looking ramp and half-pipe to do stunts from. It was always a big deal when we'd land upright on the ground below.
dUMBELLS: Shot #25
Mocheeze: You'll have to ask Rotondo about his private businesses. I can't comment on whether he's shopping in a love store, or whether he's selling himself in the store.
dUMBELLS: Shot #26
dUMBELLS: I see pictures on the fridge.
Mocheeze: Yup, isn't Badspot a beatufil artist? Hehe.
dUMBELLS: "Attack of the green blob" anyway Shot #27
dUMBELLS: "love"
Mocheeze: Some how I knew you were going to ask about this one. We found some exloits that could be done in the chat, so Rotondo decided to post some pictures that can be used as brick prints. That bug's gone now.
Mocheeze: You can see where we say "Good thing we are finding this now, and not later."
dUMBELLS: Shot #31
Mocheeze: We've made lots of mazes. Good times. :)
dUMBELLS: Shot #33 (Badspot blowing bubbles ???)
Mocheeze: Yup. When you spray effects onto bricks, they have different particles than when you spray colors. That's what badspot was doing here.
dUMBELLS: Can't wait to spray fire >:D
Mocheeze: You can't spray fire. You have to use the wrench to set fires. That would be an awesome mod though, haha.
dUMBELLS: Shot #34
Mocheeze: The jello bricks in action. Just picture me giving a patriotic speech to a group of soldiers, or Vietnam protesters (judging by my clothes).
dUMBELLS: Shot #36 (I see a lighting problem)
Mocheeze: Badspot catching some rays on his private beach. Nice speedo!
dUMBELLS: Shot #39 ( I suspect Rotondo for some reason)
Mocheeze: This is what happens when you go AFK in retail Blockland, haha.
dUMBELLS: Well thats it for the shots, I'm going to ask a few more questions and we'll be done.
Mocheeze: Sounds good.
dUMBELLS: Are you planning on Retail RTB?
Mocheeze: Definitely.
dUMBELLS: Badspot says he has a new file type, what is it for exactly?
Mocheeze: The bricks use a new file format designed by Badspot. It's designed to be more efficient for rendering in the engine apparently.
dUMBELLS: I've already asked wedge this, but do you think Retail Blockland is worth your money?
Mocheeze: Without a doubt. I've already gotten many days worth of play-time from v0002, and I think that alone is worth my $20, let alone all the good times I'll be having in retail and its added features.
Mocheeze: I'll probably end up buying it for some friends too, if I have some extra money around.
dUMBELLS: Well its been a nice time talking with you, I hope RTB goes well.
Mocheeze: Thanks, and good luck with the site!

And a LOL pic from Wedge:

I wish i had retail...Dumb building contest, i worked my hands off on that build U_U


  • Guest
you mean irk's building contest?
or was there another?

What does that have to do with retail?

But Irk said it in his ad about the comp :/

He didn't say the Beta, he said he'd purchase the regular game when it comes out.

Oh, i must've heard wrong :P

Eh, i'am little messed up today :P

lol, sorry to dissapoint you, it's when it gets released.