Author Topic: Iscribble?  (Read 870 times)

Public called Blocklanders let's draw?

So anyone?

That is a lot of information of what Iscribble is and that link was very helpful.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Ontopic: What?

oh god, roblox forums used to do this.


half of iscribble rooms are all girls going LOOK AT MAI YAOIIII DRAWINGS.

half of iscribble rooms are all girls going LOOK AT MAI YAOIIII DRAWINGS.
This.  Although some of the RP rooms are good. :o


Quote from: Taken From Website
What is iScribble?
iScribble is an online art and drawing website where people from all over the world can work on a drawing at the same time. Our interactive canvases allow users to draw pictures using a mouse or graphic tablet. Finished drawings can be published to our gallery where they are commented and rated by the users in our community.
iScribble is a great place for beginners to learn drawing but also features advanced drawing tools for more demanding users.

I just joined, there's no body here but me.

Anyone remember that like huge drawing board somebody made where anyone could go on and erase other peoples stuff and could draw your own? I attempted to draw a big black dot, but because the board was so huge, in zoomed out mode it only appeared as a tiny black pixel.

I can't even find the blocklanders board.