Author Topic: Monday Night Combat  (Read 3143 times)

>be sniper
>see assassin running around corner
>follow him
>he uses juice
>grapple him out of the arena
There is nothing more satisfying than smacking those stupid cunts off the map.

>Support w/ Total Recoil Gold

It's awesome.

Until they loving grapple you.

during the free weekend i loved to grapple assasins then shotgun their last bit of HP
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 10:08:48 PM by tikitai »

Around when the game was released they had a tf2 event.

Blue items are tf2 items for MNC.

White items are MNC items for tf2

It's hilarious when they grapple you after you get Support 3 and shotgun their unseen faces off.

Around when the game was released they had a tf2 event.

Blue items are tf2 items for MNC.

White items are MNC items for tf2
welcome to last month!

i love playing this game so much
also thanks for the new avatar

>Support w/ Total Recoil Gold

It's awesome.

Until they loving grapple you.
>sniper with gold health perk
>assassin front-grapples you
>survive with a sliver of health
>proceed to smack the dumb bitch off the map with a counter-grapple

i mostly use assasin to take out jackbots

I have to say that one of my favorite parts of this game is the atmosphere and how much it looks like an actual spectator sport. Hell, the game's theme (especially the opening fanfare) even sounds a lot like CBS's NFL theme.

i mostly use assasin to take out jackbots
I use sniper for that. One of my three sniper custom classes is built around grappling.