Author Topic: Well, if the world ends within the next 48 hours.  (Read 1281 times)

If it was going to happen, I'd be studying for an exam that would never take.  :cookieMonster:


I really am teetering on the fence if it is real or not. He hasn't really proved any evidence that the world will end tomorrow. I really hope this guy will die a slow and painful death. If anything were real, I would want to go to my crush's house and rape her good. But if not, I'll be playing video games all day.

This guy is really handicapped. Why would he go out of his way to publicize his message that the world is going to end soon. And Christians all around believe it! I've read the book of Revelation in the Bible before and I still don't understand where this guy is getting his evidence.

loving Allah :C God ftw.

Camping is basing his prediction on mathematical prophecies from the Bible. But, here's the thing:

What mathematical prophecies.

As quoted from him, this is his argument about the ending tomorrow.

 1. The number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".
 2. Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.
 3.  If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year, not to be confused with the lunar year), the result is 722,449.
 4.  The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.
 5.  51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.
 6.  (5 × 10 × 17)2 or (atonement × completeness × heaven)2 also equals 722,500.

Thing is, what do any of these numbers have anything to do with each other?

I'll tell you:

Nothing whatsoever, it seems like.

Also, Camping claimed that Christ was hung on the 1st of April, but he may be entirely wrong all together. It's widely believed Christ was crucified on 3 April, 33 A.D. This would destroy all credibility of the prediction.
SIDEBAR: Allah = God. k?

Anyway, this prediction hardly makes sense. What does the number 722,500 mean? It could be just another answer to a math problem on my homework, or Camping is just misinterpreting the numbers all in all.

One last thing. Where does the fact that 5 = atonement, 10 = completeness, and 17 = heaven? Is this explained ANYWHERE? I see no where in this supposed "prophecy" that claims those three numbers, or any of the numbers at all, mean anything.

EDIT: I do see it is explained, sorry. But where is it explained how he figured that part out?


Anybody wanna dispute this along with me, go right ahead.

The last thing I'd do?
Get a fighter jet.
Load it up with fuel & ammo.
Go to some city AND BLOW THE forget OUT OF IT.
And kill the pope.

Pope Benedict XV is a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

It's not going to end.
I'm going to laugh at a ton of dumb goofs who are like WORLDS GONNA END READ THE BIBBLE IT SAYS SO.

Yet it says that you can't predict then end of the world.
It will end... IN FIVE BILLION YEARS, when the sun finally engulfs the earth, basically erasing all life as we know it, then the sun goes supernova and explodes.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 05:09:04 PM by Wonder G »

Yeah that is why I'd attack him.
He isn't afraid of anything.
Well how about a military jet coming at you at mach 1.4 eh?

<3 Joking, of course.

Nice story Comatose. Makes a bit more sense in a nonsense fashion.

I hate religious fanatics. Stick to your religion and we will stick to ours. :/. What to do in the last 12 hours of my life? 

Nice story Comatose. Makes a bit more sense in a nonsense fashion.

I hate religious fanatics. Stick to your religion and we will stick to ours. :/. What to do in the last 12 hours of my life? 

Sorry, but what does that mean that it makes more sense in a nonsense fashion?

Oh, here is a good one:
Get devirginised.

IF the world does enter rapture, what is the last thing you'd want to do on earth ?
Speaking of this, I'm trying to convince my friends to play Doom II on skulltag, actually.