Author Topic: Fill Up  (Read 2412 times)

You would be able to make like a waterfall and it would fill up the pool and if there is a hole, let it pour out. it would never overflow and it has to be surrounded by bricks and able to change colors.if its impossible tell me and if your still confused, tell me as well.

Don't think its possible but a Water tool would be nice... apply it to bricks maybe?

Not worth the hassle. You guys are underestimating the amount of work it takes to make something like that.


  • Guest
Stop stealing ideas out of my brain, I was just thinking of this for one of my builds...It would be really cool, I was thinking it would be an emitter that doesn't fall through bricks that are somehow marked with a tool....then it would spread until it hit a brick that wasn't marked and it would drain through....

Steam can't make this work well, so I highly doubt even Badspot could make this work on Torque. Through no fault of his own ofcourse :P

I've had this same thought, mabuy this could be combined with a mod to stop effefts from going through walls.