Author Topic: Building Creaking Wav.  (Read 935 times)

Your wandering the wasteland when you come across a vast city.  Giant skeletons of sky scrappers Cover the land.  You hear the Creaking of the buildings that some how hang On to there foundations after so get the point.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:50:28 AM by blockhead55 »

zombie witch attacks
I love that sound

Supply me with a link to somewhere and ill do it

I cant really find anything.  Anyways this is what I need it for if you get a better picture.

I guess it could do for now

I guess it could do for now
K i dont like it either but its all i could find

Cant get the sound can someone get me the link for the sound plz?

This is what I typed in
Building Creaking Sound file

I found some good stuff, but it's all stock media.
Meaning you have to pay to get it.

Yeah, I hate that. I might have some old junk in sound effects I ripped from Uru: Ages beyond Myst and a few other Myst games; i might be able to help. I have over 1000 sound effects stored on an 8GB flash drive that I always carry with me.