Author Topic: Old Add-On Request  (Read 1426 times)

Anyone got the link to fire mod?
I wanna make a fire fighter rp
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 06:58:21 PM by Dimitri Pentrenko »

I might have had it on my old comp, but the hard drive sorta corrupted on it.

Firemod is outdated and I believe it was pretty inefficient. You'd rather get a total remake of it than the old one.

Firemod is outdated and I believe it was pretty inefficient. You'd rather get a total remake of it than the old one.
Halcynthis's mod > Zor's.

I actually have this firefighter mod i may upload to mediafire and send u a pm if u cant find it

Put these exactly into google search.


Include the apostrophes.