Author Topic: (TBC) Clan Re-birth.  (Read 1265 times)

TBC [-] The Clan where you build stuff!

TBC Has been known as,
"The Building Clan"
"Trueno's booty Call"
and the most recent.
"Terrain Building clan"
I founded this Clan exactly 3 years ago today.
And lately i decided to "Re-connect" With Blockland.
So i decided to Re-Start The clan again. Since i haven't
Played blockland in about a year or so. I don't even know
if any of the old members still play. But TBC had about 20 members.
before i shut it down.  So now. I'm back Re-Cruiting!
Note: The Building Clan + Trueno's booty call were made by Trueno
BL_ID 149 he shut down the clan and i had is permission to use the tags.
Here is the Post by Trueno : .

TBC is a Building Clan.
But we specialise in Terrain and RPG style Builds
You can see some of our work below! in the "our work" Section.

These are TBC Builds. There are much much more. But since they clan stopped i lost most of the saves.
But here is what i didnt loose! PLUS Some current projects.

TBC ~ Mini Island
Time Taken To Build: About 2 months
Who helped?
Adude (Sauce) [75% of build]
Twix (Antares) [10% of build]
Shadows of Blockland [5% of build]
Nasaboy [5% of build]
Witewizard [5% of build]
And of course all of TBC!
Brick Count: 18507
Map: Slate

Twix ~ NYC Mini
Time Taken To Build: (Unknown)
Who helped?
Twix (Antares) [100% of build]
Brick Count: 7713
Map: Slate

TBC ~ Creature RPG
Time Taken To Build: (Not finished. Roughly 21% done)
Who helped?
Adude (Sauce) [100% of Build(so far)]
Brick Count: 9903 (So Far)
Map: Slate


(This build isnt even 1/4 Finished yet! So Keep and eye on this post to see updates!)

TBC ~ TDM Terrain Arena(AKA TBC Terrain #3
Time Taken To Build: 4 days
Who helped?
Adude (Sauce) [100% of Build]
Brick Count: 2630
Map: Bedroom , On bed

Well Joining is Pretty simple.
just build on a 32x32 baseplate or 32x32x32 cube a terrain or
Building of your choice!
Then Take a screen Shot [p+ctrl] and post in this topic or Gallery.
Labelled (TBC) App , You can now add the Save file too
P.S. If you choose to build terrain ...please don't use LSG......[no offence to Nix]

Note:Don't apply If you cant build. I don't expect amazing builders. But i do expect Experience. If you can't Build good i can teach you to be better. and Remember.  I have to accept Your Application first!

posting an app in this topic?
make sure to use this method:
Reason you want to join:
Building exp. X/10:
Player scale:
Dont post the animated pictures!

Adude (Sauce) [6052]
Adude (Sauce) [6052]
Arcticfox978 [5511]
Faran [5858]
Dare Devil [6571]
.: panda :. [5869]
Tiesha [5972]
Flareon [5496]
Spacecop [7206]  
Legend [6725]
Epson [1703]

Thank you for staring at this Topic for however long it took you.
If you have any Questions. or whatever Leave me a message , Thanks again.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 09:21:25 AM by Sauce »

« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 12:21:50 PM by Sauce »

didn't you get banned for sockpuppeting with your brothers account or something, or your second account.

I am still on Blockland.

Sounds cool I will apply.
IGN:Jello King
Reason:I am always in fighting clans I am a decent builder but i would like get better and this clan sounds perfect for doing so.
Skill: Probably 6.5/10
These pictures show top inside and side view of just a little base I put together qucikly because im very eager to join.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 10:38:28 AM by Jello King »

I am still on Blockland.
Feel like Re-joining the Clan? :)

Sounds cool I will apply.
IGN:Jello King
Reason:I am always in fighting clans I am a decent builder but i would like get better and this clan sounds perfect for doing so.
Skill: Probably 6.5/10
These pictures show top inside and side view of just a little base I put together qucikly because im very eager to join.
Thanks for Applying :)
The Build is quite .. Bland
Throwing a few blocks together to join the clan wont work
Spend more time and concentrate more on your Creativity
You would be amazed With what you could create :)
As for the moment. This app is Denied sorry. But feel free to try again !

Thanks for Applying :)
The Build is quite .. Bland
Throwing a few blocks together to join the clan wont work
Spend more time and concentrate more on your Creativity
You would be amazed With what you could create :)
As for the moment. This app is Denied sorry. But feel free to try again !
Ill be sure to

Ill be sure to
Good :)

You can now add your save to your app.
Just be sure to label it TBC App .
From the screenshots i cant really see if you have used Events or whatever so
You can now add the save to your app.

Good :)

You can now add your save to your app.
Just be sure to label it TBC App .
From the screenshots i cant really see if you have used Events or whatever so
You can now add the save to your app.
So should I make a completely new app or just tweak this one?

Make a new one :)
Use Ramps and Make a terrain style build :D
That i will be able to judge without the save file :)

didn't you get banned for sockpuppeting with your brothers account or something, or your second account.

The only account i used was my own. My brother posted it not me