Author Topic: I need to gain 30 pounds  (Read 880 times)

im 15, 92 pounds and im 5"7. I'm very sensitive about my weight so no rude comments K

what 2 do?

Eat 30 pounds of bread

I hope this wasn't made to be a fad of that other topic.

I hope this wasn't made to be a fad of that other topic.
whaaat noo

Hmm. Try a protein shake and 2-3 eggs a day. Both are great at helping you gain weight. DO AVOID and junkfood. You may think that they might be key to gaining weight, but trust me, they are only bad for you and won't have you gain anything. Eat and drink organic and nutritious. Make sure your breakfast is large and your dinner is large. If you can't eat that much in one day, it's fine. Just eat a bigger quantity each day and your stomach will become used to the amount of intake.

Talk to a doctor.  My brother is in your position and he needs to get proper medical attention in order to get diagnosed with why he isn't gaining weight.

We don't know what's wrong with him though but a lack of weight gain can be anything.

I was about that weight when I was 15, it does kind of suck being weaker than everyone else but don't worry about it too much until you are 18+. You should eventually balance out and there really isn't much you can do to fix it.

Talk to a doctor.  My brother is in your position and he needs to get proper medical attention in order to get diagnosed with why he isn't gaining weight.

We don't know what's wrong with him though but a lack of weight gain can be anything.
I talked to a doctor a week ago and they think i have IBS. I've looked into it a little and it sucks D:

I would say eat a lot and then run and exercise a lot so it's not fat weight but muscle weight.

I was like 150 lbs when I was 15. Bulk up brah.

sit around
eat a lot of yummy food

Hmm. Try a protein shake and 2-3 eggs a day. Both are great at helping you gain weight. DO AVOID and junkfood. You may think that they might be key to gaining weight, but trust me, they are only bad for you and won't have you gain anything. Eat and drink organic and nutritious. Make sure your breakfast is large and your dinner is large. If you can't eat that much in one day, it's fine. Just eat a bigger quantity each day and your stomach will become used to the amount of intake.