Author Topic: Blockland App  (Read 2139 times)

I think that the developers of blockland should amke an app for blockland. Roblox and minecraft have apps but blockland doesent and thats dissapointing. It would be really cool if badspot made an app for blockland who agrees?

Get out
there is a topic right above you, about this
and there is already an answer, you literally just proven yourself an idiot.
Get out, now.



Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol🚼

Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol
You have the mental capacity of a weevil.

Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol
Look, this has been suggested, what, 9 times now with their own topics, and countless times in other topics?

It is incompatible.

Roblox is an in-browser game and is easily compatible.

Minecraft runs off of Javascript, which is just about compatible with anything.

Blockland runs off of 3D TGE.

2D TGE is compatible, but not 3D.

Badspot will never do this or even make the effort to.

Playing Minecraft doesn't make you a loser.

Use the button.

Stop asking.

Lock this topic now.

P.S.  I should post this into a word document JUST so I could paste it to every annoying and ignorant iOS App request for Blockland.

Look, this has been suggested, what, 9 times now with their own topics, and countless times in other topics?

It is incompatible.

Roblox is an in-browser game and is easily compatible.

Minecraft runs off of Javascript, which is just about compatible with anything.

Blockland runs off of 3D TGE.

2D TGE is compatible, but not 3D.

Badspot will never do this or even make the effort to.

Playing Minecraft doesn't make you a loser.

Use the button.

Stop asking.

Lock this topic now.

P.S.  I should post this into a word document JUST so I could paste it to every annoying and ignorant iOS App request for Blockland.


Roblox is an in-browser game and is easily compatible.
That is not the case.

No go Joe.
Minecraft runs off of Javascript, which is just about compatible with anything.

Java (maybe one day it'll use Javascript:

Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol

dude minecraft is a great game

Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol🚼
oh god he uses emoji

Brian I bet you play minecraft loser lol🚼

who the forget cares, lol
at least he's not as mentally stable as a broken trash can like you