Author Topic: Elevators that work like JVS Doors  (Read 685 times)

(Im surprised nobody has created this yet)

Basically I am asking for an elevator that slides like the Sliding JVS doors, but instead they will slide on the Y axis, going up and down. We can have certain sizes for how far the elevators go and size, along with a way to event it so we can click another button to start it. Is this possible? Is it possible for the elevator to move up and still carry the player(s) with it?
(If you are a Roblox player or know of BodyVelocity, then that is what I am talking about)

  --This is the Sliding JVS Door

Already made!

And also Z axis controls height.

I was taught that the Y axis was Up and it different for Blockland? And could you link me to the add on?

Nevermind, I found it already :)

I will be locking this up, for those of who want the add on its here: