Author Topic: vSMC (vSystem Modding Clan) - 2 Projects!  (Read 9786 times)

Please steam me for the password if you are interested in testing the City gamemode, more is done on the passworded server than the open one.

I am writing the entire gamemode by scratch because most released CityRPGs suck, glitch, and probably broken. I'm using default add-ons with no other scripts to see if it can function alone, it's been doing great.

I have it password protected because I don't want idiots on the server messing up how the mod works; but I also want it to be a surprise.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 03:31:24 PM by Advanced Bot »

"Skeloine's Strip Club 18+"

Yeah I wonder what he is doing over there

What do you wanna be?:
Beginner Coder.

How long of experience have you had with this type?:
A few years. I made this, which is a basic chat bot, and I'd like to learn how to do other things to develop it or create more useful client/server side add-ons.

What are the things you do on your Blockland life other than this type? Or do you just do this? (You do not have to answer this):
Administrate / Host various servers.

Any proof? (How can you prove that you can join our clan?):
I am slightly confused on what the enter here. I regularly play the game, consisting mostly of building or working with events.
These are things that I've done, and I'd like to do more things like this.
I'll more than likely not revise this area.

Account Type and Usernane (This is for contacting, I will not send you spam or phishing stuff): (Ex: Skype, Visolator):
Skype (Changing accounts soon): Ghetto_Panda284

In Game Name and BLID:

BL_ID: 19562

BL_ID: 17168

BL_ID: 48794

What do you want to be?
Builder and eventer.
How long of experience have you had with this type?
I've been helping a lot of people on random servers build and event. I've had this game for almost 5 years (I think).
What are the things you do on your Blockland life other than this type? Or do you just do this? (You do not have to answer this)
Any proof?
I just built so I could have something to put here.
Account Type and Username
Steam, dude13498
In Game Name and BLID
BL_ID: 13498
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 03:31:40 PM by Phaorohman »

Was in the middle of making an app when I realized,

The clan is dead.

IIRC Advanced Bot is Visolator, and Viso quit Blockland after causing the master server spam.

Damnit :C