Author Topic: Buildable Players.  (Read 705 times)

this seemed like a good idea because the avatar options now arent very customizable, and you coincidentally find someone with your same avatar, but being able to build your avatar out of a special set and ammount of bricks, this probably isnt possible but it seems like a cool idea.

Not sure if possible.  And if, very buggy.

how would you build him ut of bricks if different people have different bricks?

how would you build him ut of bricks if different people have different bricks?

Default bricks..?

Default bricks..?
ma, some poeple can disable default pack

so you would have a static model be your avatar? without any animations or anything?

so you would have a static model be your avatar? without any animations or anything?
thered be animations, but you would put bricks where each specified body part would need to be.

I'm not quite sure if this is possible in blockland's engine...

Bricks are static shapes. They will never be able to move like players and vehicles do.

Bricks are static shapes. They will never be able to move like players and vehicles do.
not actual bricks, probably models of bricks

Bricks are static shapes.

What are you talking about? Their class is fxDTSBrick, a simple simulation of a DTS brick object, not staticShape.

Bricks are static shapes. They will never be able to move like players and vehicles do.

I could go off on a limb describing the mechanics of potential "dynamic bricks" in Blockland instead of our standard static fixed bricks which would allow for the physical placement of vehicles instead of their spawn points, but lets face it, this is ludicrously impossible to implement.

I wouldnt talk about this one anymore. Still, points for creativity.