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Author Topic: Rant about some of the Weapons we Have  (Read 7245 times)

Whenever I look at some of the "realistic" guns, all I can think is just one question; why?

Especially with the hands. That just freaks me out.

In my eyes I count the assault rifle as one of the classic weapons. So yea, it's sorta in the OP already.

I do support this, but one way to maybe fix hands is by not keeping the trigger hand in the same place as the normal place, they need to scale the gun and put it into the shoulder.

Put me on the list. NOW.

but oh dear god thank you for leaving me with evidence and examples instead of a weird rant topic.

The hands on models are LESS realistic than just holding it with one hand.

Refer to my earlier post in this topic.

I don't think supporting or opposing will do anything.

I mean sure, hands, animations and realistic stuff don't really fit the game at all, but having every weapon have the same style, work the same and probably look the same would make all of them boring, also this is a sandbox game where the modder is given the right to make whatever they want to make, since they are making it the way they want the add-on to be the way they want it to work, thus making it for the people that want something like that.
When some weapon/weapon pack you don't like is released, that's OK, you don't have to use it, you're not forced to use it, it's not going to be on every server you go to, you don't have to constantly go to the topic to say how bad it is ( you can even get that topic-blocker script so you don't have to look at people saying "omg loel its the bset pcka evre bom bum" or look at the topic itself ), sure you can give the creator constructive criticism, but DON'T tell him to remove what he probably was aiming for ( hands, animations, sights, reloading, etc. ), because he made it for the people that like that and not for the people that hate that. If you still don't like it and the creator won't do anything about it just for you, make your own pack that works the way YOU want it.

This. ^^^

Please please please please never refer style/theme to graphic methods again.

There's a huge difference between style, theme, and graphic methods.
Hands are not style or theme. They do not look good in any situation and I have no idea how anyone possibly convinced themself this without being obsessed with some kind of first person shooter, and wanting every aspect of it (graphic methods) in Blockland.

Style: ranges from basic, to detailed, and further descriptions. Such as having a pack of magical weapons which feature certain designs.
Theme: Defaults would be considered "generic, use your imagination" where the star wars weapons are obviously themed after star wars weapons. Then there's medieval weapons and so forth.
Graphic methods: Blockland typically looks best with flat shaded models. The hands are a customizable part of the player, and remain the same distance at all times from the shoulder. In fact, aside from twisting, the hands do not move, the shoulder does. Breaking the hands rule is about equal as breaking the flat shaded models rule. It doesn't fit and looks bad.

So please, do not call hands a style ever again.

I'm kind of split on this topic. I do like the occasional realistic weapons pack like the BF3 pack, or GCat's guns, but I also like the T+T, Frog's Weapons, Warhammer 40k pack. I can say though that there comes a point when a gun's/pack's realism does make it distasteful.

Edit: /support
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 09:00:40 AM by Mr. Hurricane »