Author Topic: Client_JoinGUIHostname_DGEdit  (Read 1628 times)

Hey there I found this mod in my Add-ons folder and I've been using it for a while.

Code: (description.txt) [Select]
Title: JoinGUI Mod Hostname
Author: Chrono
This separates the host's name from the server name, and displays the host's name to the far right.

It's really old, so there were a couple of issues with it.

1. RTB has updated where they store their preferences.  This mod uses the old RTB preferences file to figure out if rtb is installed or not, and then executes itself accordingly.  Big problem if RTB has been uninstalled, or the older version was never installed.(works fine for me but not for any newbies)
2. Badspot updated the way the server list displays host names.  Now if your name ends with an s, on the server list it will end with a s' instead of a 's.  So Glass'  instead of Glass's.  This confuses the mod and makes the host name appear as a big ol '                 ', and screws with the server name as well.

Anyhow I fixed the issue with the 's and s'.  And I ignored the rtb issue and just forced it to act as if rtb is installed.

SO. tl;dr things you should know.

This mod needs rtb to work right.
The original mod was made by Chrono, not me.
This is what it will look like:


This is included in the Blockland Essentials mod. Although I'm not sure if it has those bugs or not.

This is included in the Blockland Essentials mod. Although I'm not sure if it has those bugs or not.
Hmm.  Looks like the issue is fixed in that mod as well.

2 badspots?
It appears this mod doesn't account for names with apostrophe's in them.