Author Topic: Soft Body physiscs  (Read 1495 times)

Oh dear, Do not want, please it would be annoying constantly having to fix vehicles, especially with the current handling of vehicles you would be crashing constantly.
With prefs of on / off.
And mini-game only option (on by default)

Small bump.

It's certainly possible, but not in the same way this  game does it.
I'd suggest hiding/unhiding specific "nodes" depending on where and how hard a part gets hit.

Oh dear, Do not want, please it would be annoying constantly having to fix vehicles, especially with the current handling of vehicles you would be crashing constantly.
Don't worry, this could just be a seperate add-on. There's no way it would become default without certain improvements or modifications.

Just to build a cheap imitation of this feature would easily triple the development time of a standard vehicle. Nobody in their right mind would do that regularly just for a pointless novelty.

Just to build a cheap imitation of this feature would easily triple the development time of a standard vehicle.
And the datablocks.