Author Topic: Glassy is anger RAGE!!!!  (Read 3443 times)

Going I trying am to english talk. understand you me do?
Underestimated the force, you have.
ok i'm sounding like yoda now
Aaaah sheit
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 10:30:36 PM by Cargøn »

You guys don't understand Glass. You see, he is actually a genius in the science of words. Glass has discovered a way to call his enemies handicapped over and over, and the insults will make his enemies run away in fear! It's never worked before, but the genius Glass has discovered a way to make it work! Bravo, Glass! Bravo! You are a wonder to the world! Let the word go out! Past is prologue! Let the technological wonders of Glass be heard! Why, he is not mad, he is removing cowards! Let us all say it together, "Hooray, Glass! Hip hip HOORAY!"

Cubelands, why are you allowed to be here?

Because cubelands is loving awesome

I'm not exactly a fan of cubelands but christ you guys are, as he's putting it, "RAGE!!!!!!!!!!"
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 12:59:30 AM by MrMcCakey »