Author Topic: Fire truck please.  (Read 2301 times)

Can someone make a fire truck? If so plz tell me or if theres already one post the link.

My mod idea's are going to be on this page to.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 08:16:08 PM by hero of hell »

Thanks do you think it would be possible to add a siren, that you activate by pressing space or somthing like that.

there isnt already one :D

Yay my idea is originle.

Can someone make one then?

Technically, the fire truck idea was suggested at the same time as the suggestion for the Fire mod that everyone luvs. (Lol.)

Still, seems like a nice idea when combined with the fire mod.

Port Packer's fire truck and change a few textures.

I got the idea from Zor's Fire Mod.

I just got a idea for a mod, (well i realy just read it in add-ons pill mod) i want a mod for a health bar hope it's possible. Please make one. BTW i will post more of my idea's here in the future.

Please make one.

I just got a idea for a mod, (well i realy just read it in add-ons pill mod) i want a mod for a health bar hope it's possible. Please make one. BTW i will post more of my idea's here in the future.

Please make one.

You should change the title then. Also, I'm calling you doomguy from now on.

how do you change the title name then? And y r u calling me doomguy??????

1. Edit the first post, and change the subject.
2. Doomguy is the hero of hell. If you don't know about Doom, then you are a very, very, sheltered individual.

I know about Doom, i just didn't think about it.

lol, you foolish kids.
may i suggest instead of having a siren, have the back roll open for a hose or something.