Author Topic: Game Dev. Tycoon (Megathread?)  (Read 2194 times)

Seriously I'm going to make a Nintendo company. That'll be fun.

all de moni

call of duty and halo?

call of duty and halo?
no, "buy my loving game"
"forget you starfishs"
and so on

The game that got me rich was a game spoofing Dragon's Lair called "Witch's Lair". I got 1.3 mil in total after sales. I made a sequel called "Ace of Space" which was a nice reviewed game but didn't live up to the sales of Witch's Lair. This basically explains the difference between Space Ace and Dragon's Lair.

I had made a game for the TES named Speed Racer and it got like 2mil in sales, then I made a sequel on the Super TES with a way better engine and stuff and it got like 80k in sales.
what the forget is wrong with the economy

Is it better than Game Dev Story? Cause I love that game
It's almost exactly the same....But I love GDS so i'll probably love this.

I had made a game for the TES named Speed Racer and it got like 2mil in sales, then I made a sequel on the Super TES with a way better engine and stuff and it got like 80k in sales.
what the forget is wrong with the economy
Times change. 'Way better' is ambiguous, too. Some genres may benefit more from certain improvements.

also your formula may have been wrong

I had made a game for the TES named Speed Racer and it got like 2mil in sales, then I made a sequel on the Super TES with a way better engine and stuff and it got like 80k in sales.
what the forget is wrong with the economy
i made multiple sequels to my 'second-office advance hit' game

it got up to the fifth game, those sequels made money, man

wow you really take off once you get a successful medium game haha

made my first large game

« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 11:12:43 PM by otto-san »