Author Topic: 2013/05/03 - We made it!  (Read 49883 times)

admit it, our community is stuff

lol why would you deny it

all the new players getting trashed on, people who are blatantly rude are getting all the respect, people thinking we are the best humans ever and anyone who likes other things are getting trashed on, people thinking that you should know everything about blockland when you join, people who hate the name "blockhead" and rage at them instead of asking to change their name, people raging at people who ask questions that can be answered simply, people worshiping badspot thinking he is the god of the world or something, people who rage at people who are new to the internet, etc.
You must be posting too much in drama.
Take a look at general discussion, coding help, mod discussion, creativity, help, and any section that isn't games, off-topic or drama.

You also completely missed my point. I didn't say our community was good in any form. I dare you to find that in my post. What I did say was that every other community has the same problems. I want you to link to me, any community with over 10k members, and tell me if I can't find any problems that we have.

And want to know why I say this? Because we're all people, who visit multiple communities. Actually. I'm going to stop explaining here because you'll just ignore everything again.

You must be posting too much in drama.
Take a look at general discussion, coding help, mod discussion, creativity, help, and any section that isn't games, off-topic or drama.

You also completely missed my point. I didn't say our community was good in any form. I dare you to find that in my post. What I did say was that every other community has the same problems. I want you to link to me, any community with over 10k members, and tell me if I can't find any problems that we have.

And want to know why I say this? Because we're all people, who visit multiple communities. Actually. I'm going to stop explaining here because you'll just ignore everything again.
Basically this.
It's pretty easy to stay away from all the negativity if you want to. All you have to do is to stay away from the Drama and Off-Topic section. Most other topics are fine, with the possible exception of some Clan threads and some General Discussion threads. I rarely meet any unfriendly players in-game. Sure, I meet some stupid ones from time to time. But unfriendly? No. I'd say 90% of the people I hang around with are pretty cool, mature people.

Bump, we went up to 55k! Good job Badspot!

Basically this.
It's pretty easy to stay away from all the negativity if you want to. All you have to do is to stay away from the Drama and Off-Topic section. Most other topics are fine, with the possible exception of some Clan threads and some General Discussion threads.
Even in these areas people can be very cordial, respectful and intelligent too.
It just so happens that there are those topics and posters who primarily stick to insults and being cruel and immature to each other.

But, that happens all the time when you get people together (especially young-ish teenagers) and give them somewhere where they have basically free reign to talk about and discuss whatever they like.

Which is the Off-Topic Board and all it's sub-boards.
And bearing in mind that the Drama section is purely designed for arguing with each other.

Most forums I've seen that have no form of Off-Topic discussion and have one primary subject they revolve around (like games) are probably what you would call quite calm and nice.
Other forums where they have setups like ours, tend to be somewhat more aggressive.

But It's not a bad thing. It's not abnormal, and it's to be expected. We're no more aggressive than any other forum with similar sorts of boards.
We get our rude/angry posts/topics, but we also get our nice ones. And we do have rules that keep people somewhat in line.
Even our more obscure and unwritten rules are generally well known since everyone repeats them all the time.

I have seen two ads already for blockland on the skyrim forums (amazon)

I have seen two ads already for blockland on the skyrim forums (amazon)
Google searches for ads based on the websites you visit. Blockland being one.

Google searches for ads based on the websites you visit. Blockland being one.
That's a bad system, you will only be getting ads that you know about then :/

It's a good system since it gives you ads for things that interest you. The occasional product about which you already know is unfortunate, but oh well.

If Blockland gets on Steam, literally most of my friends will buy bandwagon it