Author Topic: 2013/05/03 - We made it!  (Read 49897 times)


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You can now buy Blockland direct from Amazon

Normal Blockland sales are already handled through Amazon's payment processing but this allows for ratings, recommendations and purchasing via Amazon gift cards (they also take a bigger cut, but that's how it is).  Amazon direct sales use keys from the 50k block (apparently in random order), so that's where they're coming from. 

The only reason we made it on amazon was due to them thinking we were on steam.

So now that we're on amazon surely we'll be on steam soon!

Wait, there are people who buy games on Amazon?

Anyway, are the purchases from Amazon platform-specific (from their perspective)? I'm assuming you'll still be able to use the keys with any version downloaded from too.

Oh, and why does it only seem to be available in the US?

Hahahaha. Had my hopes high for a second.  Still nice though.

The only reason we made it on amazon was due to them thinking we were on steam.

So now that we're on amazon surely we'll be on steam soon!
Infallible logic!

The only reason we made it on amazon was due to them thinking we were on steam.


DRM: Steam DRM

The title is misleading, I thought we'd made it to Steam :(

god damnit i thought what every other person thought

Good, progress, soon the whole world will be ours!

Wow, is it really 2GB? I guess I lost track, since I haven't had to install the game in years due to the amazing update service provided by our glorious leader.

That's not sarcasm - I just realized I really haven't had to install it because I haven't had a bad update ever with you. Meanwhile, some games give bad updates where you have to reinstall.

One step closer to steam, I guess.

Ah so amazon holds the +50k keys for now and people who buy it via get the keys in the 43000 - 49999 gap?

I think its the other way. The gap ids will be sold at amazon.
Edit: no, they are selling the ids from 50000 to 59999

And lets hope that the "Amazon <-> Steam" paradoxon will work!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 06:20:36 AM by Warground »

Damn, thought we had finally made it. Good to hear we're making some progress though.

What about the 8000 key gap? Just skipped it?