Author Topic: A personal health question  (Read 2696 times)

you have an ancient curse called herpes
Also known as the Blockland Forums.  [/joke]

You're asking a Lego forum
Go tell your parents

im think im a doctor and its safe to say you may have genital cancer, urethra cancer,  herpes, STDS, AIDS, HIV, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, Molluscum Contagiosum, Chlamydia, Chancroid, Genital warts, and Cytomegalovirus (but it is jus a guess lolz)

omg lol

i'm beginning to wonder why people post their medical/health problems here and don't just go to the doctor/hospital

because I see it all the time here

Fyi it has to do with fapping, you got a cut on it. Happens to the best of us, it goes away after around 5-7 days. Nothing to worry about.

On your richard or inside your richard? I'm confused
Me too.
How the hell can one see his own urethra without flipping the richard inside out?
I'm assuming he means the opening

Turns out that red spot was a magician.

It disappeared...
Mawty is the pro doctor
you might want to talk with him about it

I think that it has to do with procrastination. Maybe you did it too quickly I am guessing.