Author Topic: Phanto probably has diabetes  (Read 2084 times)

Even if you are working full time with no school in the way, how long will you be able to support yourself with that job? Enough to buy a house? Support a partner? Think in the long run dude, it's not like I have no idea what I'm talking about, I speak from experience.
Ny is expensive but I get by because i have some connections and land jobs very easily. right now i earn a little bit above minimum wage + tips so i can support myself for a while, if i were to work full time, which i don't. i'm never buying a house because it's new york and houses cost a bazillion dollars. i dont do partner stuff because commitment is stupid.

the long run doesn't include the next 4 years of my life. after that i'll probably forget off and figure something out

train yourself to hate candy and junk food. attribute the stuffty after effects of eating a lot of sugar as its primary/intended effect; throw the blame on the food and you'll subconsciously start wanting to avoid it. worked for me at least-- the only sugar-filled stuff i can binge on without losing my appetite at the thought of consuming even a modest amount or more is chocolate and some kinds of drinks

Can we go back to the part where he said he doesn't believe in bulimia? That's another eating disorder entirely, you're NOT supposed to purge after binging, even then you shouldn't be binge eating food regardless. If you're bored, try a gym. There, you're working your actual ass off and into shape.

worth mentioning that i'm also asthmatic

go for a jog bro. like fr, jog every other day for a week and see how much better youll feel just after that. not saying start a hard workout regime, but in my experience people usually feel better about themselves overall after that first week.

on the topic of eating stuffty food, try finding healthier alternatives to snacks. like dried fruit is the stuff fr, i used to eat skittles and stuff all the time but now i mostly just snack on fruit and chips. i fazed soda out of my diet a while ago too, juice is just as good imo. buy lemonade and stuff and mix in seltzer water if you miss the carbonation

I'm in your boat. I've been struggling with low blood sugar recently, and type 1 is very prevalent in my family.