Author Topic: torak11 - Unnecessary drama posts, idiocy  (Read 4432 times)

I get the feeling that you just don't like me, which in itself is unwarranted since i've never done anything to cause such dislike, Is there something you aren't telling me Acerblock?

No, I'm pretty sure acerblock made it clear he doesn't like you

I love how he thinks he has to do something personal to someone to get them to dislike them.

Jesus Christ he's like a cross between Thinker and Old Zeblote.

NOEDIT: I used to be friends with Torak. Then again, I was 12.

How is this drama pointless? I presented my points in the topic and I'm pretty sure they are defended reasonably well by your quotes I provided.
Did you not read my posts, i clearly explained WHY the evidence you have was poorly chosen and WHY it doesn't help your case here.

I love how you call my drama pointless when 95% of your posts are just copying what other people say. Your admin abuse topic is completely useless, it's just common sense. And why would you try to post it again? Based on the reaction your unfinished version received, I think it would have been a waste of time to finish. And guess what, an archive of Tezuni dramas is pointless, because we all know of his server's reputation. Ever heard of the Search button anyways? Oh, that's right, you don't read other people's posts.
I love how you consistently harp on people for small issues, and overreact to things too. I won't comment on my past two dramas, i've already explained my reasons for posting them, leave it at that. Yes i HAVE heard of it, anyone whos been on these forums for at least a year knows what it is, also, you really need to learn not to make such stupid assumptions, i do INDEED read peoples posts.

That I think you're acting like an entitled brat and you already established you're stupid right in this post? Not much that I'm hiding from you.
Acer, you should know by now that throwing around insults won't get you anywhere.

It didn't backfire, people supported the drama and AdinX was just trying to break up a "fight". Even though I disagreed with his stance, he still called you out on our posts. Also, Planr and I have brought up similar points in our dramas, so no, they don't differ.
Didn't fail? Is that what you think? Which drama did you read, i just read every response again, and not ONE actually stated that they agreed with you, plus there were also a few responses that weren't replies to the drama either. Please go re-read your first drama on me before assuming everyone agreed with you. As for Planr, your points were ONLY similar in your previous drama, as you were both talking about me bumping stuff, even though planr's posts were actually relevant.

Being a month old really doesn't matter It's recent enough and also supports my point that you've been doing this stuff for a while. All your other points in this paragraph are just stupid and trying to save your ass. How does posts only being recent make my argument invalid? People can also see both sides of your arguments by clicking on quotes. Who made you in charge of what tiny details affect an argument?
*sigh* Again, you failed to grasp my point, the point being that those posts, old as they may be, were all made around the same time back then, which again fails to prove that i have any sort of history of being stupid. Again, the same point of the new posts also being made around the same time still applies. Also, LEARN TO READ THE CONTEXT, when i said "both sides of the argument" i was referring to the dramas i had posted in, not the posts themselves.

He wasn't being dismissive, he was calling you out on bumping a dead drama. I'm getting sick and tired of your "the topic wasn't old enough" excuse.
It seems you haven't yet noticed that i haven't used that excuse since the last time we argued, then again, that is an old post.

You just said earlier in the post that some evidence was about a month old, you hypocrite. Learn how to be consistent with your rebuttals and stop saying something that doesn't really matter causes my argument to "fall flat".
Still missing the point i see, that specific comment ONLY, and i repeat ONLY reffered to the new posts, NOT to the drama in general. CONTEXT, READ IT.

Are you really that thick? This ISN'T a defense, it's an agreement to points Dannu made on that drama, as well as my own view on some of them. You really need to get your facts straight on which posts ARE defenses and which ARE NOT.
P.S, to the other people of this topic, this response is to Dannu only, not you. Save yourself some trouble and don't quote or reply to this unless you have something RELEVANT to add to this.
That doesn't prove anything acer, i only added that to keep people from making idiotic statements in reply to a reply that i made to dannu, there is no implication of defense, besides, i can tell you never fully read that drama, as there was nothing to defend there.

Stop contradicting yourself. Old posts prove my point of you acting like this for a while and recent posts are relevant. How can you be that stupid? The dramas linked have similar reasons, the drama didn't backfire and I wasn't overreacting to one post, I was responding to multiple.
Acer, I'm not stupid, i can tell when you respond to multiple comments. I am NOT Contradicting myself, if you had read the CONTEXT you would know this, and yes, that drama wasn't successful either, go re-read it again

Isn't this the point of the drama board you love to post in? I can't believe how desperate you are to bribe me into not exposing you for the moron you are. And now I have to admit to my faults? No you loving dumbass, this isn't a drama about me, it's a drama about you. Stop flip flopping every single thing in your oversized post. Why don't you learn how to be mature -snip-, and learn from your own mistakes.
I don't "love" to post on any board here, i'm not that attached. Where did you get this idea that i was bribing you into exposing me? Do you really think i would WANT you to make these pointless dramas? Again with the insults, they won't get you anywhere so just stop. Learn from my mistakes? I have, none of those posts were mistakes, (except that one accidental post), even if some of them were stupid.

Acer, you really need to learn to read the context of the posts i make, otherwise you'll miss the point again, and again, and again... You get the concept.

I used to be friends with Torak. Then again, I was 12.
Er... Who are, or where you again? Sorry, but since the shutdown of RTB, i have no idea who i was friends with...

You butchered the topic title :|


You know what, I give, Acer, you can go on believing whatever you wish to believe about me, i don't care.
I'm tired of arguing with you over meaningless things. I won't be posting in drama for a while now, although i may
still view dramas. As for you, well, i'd advise that you just forget about this whole incident, forget this ever happened.

I know the proximity of this post to my previous one will cause you to doubt what i said about not posting in the drama forums, but that post is merely my last response to your arguments, it has no bearing on this decision whatsoever.


You know what, I give, Acer, you can go on believing whatever you wish to believe about me, i don't care.
I'm tired of arguing with you over meaningless things. I won't be posting in drama for a while now, although i may
still view dramas. As for you, well, i'd advise that you just forget about this whole incident, forget this ever happened.

I know the proximity of this post to my previous one will cause you to doubt what i said about not posting in the drama forums, but that post is merely my last response to your arguments, it has no bearing on this decision whatsoever.
While you're at it, how bout you leave the forums entirely? It's pretty obvious no one likes you.

holy wall of text
i replied to him first so let me do what i said
for page loss

He sent me this PM:

Funny. I never once suggested that I speak for the "thousands" of people here.
Even more funny is this is coming from the guy who made this:

He seems to be really good at getting people to hate him more.


but seriously, this guy needs to stop

Torak, I'm not bothering to argue with your half witted statements, because I know you'll just throw stupid counter arguments back at me. The fact that you are still oblivious to your behavior surprises me.

Guys I think he is cracking

As for you, well, i'd advise that you just forget about this whole incident, forget this ever happened.

watch out acer, he might beat you up :O!

watch out acer, he might beat you up :O!
his mercenary is knocking down my door right now!