Author Topic: so a story about dumb people using the internet  (Read 1045 times)

sorry forums i just felt like i had to write this up

so long story short my cousin lives just down the road from us, she's somewhat of an adult and she has this boyfriend we'll name 'edgi'

i was sitting at my own computer and doing my own thing when i thought i heard my grandmother yelling from the living room. turns out she wasn't yelling, but my cousin and her boyfriend were standing around my grandma who was sitting at the computer. i walk over there to check it out, and my grandma is trying to set up the homepage. after helping her do it, i ask what's going on and my cousin told me the computer had a bunch of stuff wrong with it (not her exact words but still)

so i watch as my grandma sets the homepage on internet explorer to something different while internet explorer keeps popping up on something like 'voserate' and 'browser safe engine'. i help out by, once she's able to close IE6, pull up google chrome and set the search engine there. but once we closed IE6, I noticed like 8 new shortcuts on the desktop. once we pulled up google chrome, that 'voserate' thing appeared but i quickly opened up a new tab and set the homepage back to the normal google. i tried searching for malwarebytes on google and just got a forgetton of 'AD' searches.

i asked my cousin about this and if she downloaded anything onto the computer EVER. she just went "ummmm... well I did click on a link that led me to a bunch of coupon sites!". I just kept silent and edgi just shook his head and said "nope". then she said she clicked on a notification that said java needed an update. since i thought this was normal since some of that kinda stuff can be sneaky at rare times, i just kept going

so we managed to get onto the malwarebytes site by just typing in the URL, and a forgetton of ads appeared, as well as the java thing. it was pretty ridiculous, it was just a white box that said;


Your java is out of date! Update now!"

and it kept popping up unless you closed it. i ended up having to close the page several times because of it but i still managed to download malwarebytes. after the somewhat short time, it detected 580 items. 1 item was malicious and 579 were PUPs. i quarantined and removed them all, then just used that uninstall a program thing to uninstall left-over junk.

sadly there was one extension that i couldn't get rid of called 'browser warden' and it kept showing a couple ads but nothing that bad, and there was another thing left called 'Driver Software' that i just left alone since it didnt do much other than show a window at start-up that you could close.

so after everything was finished, i was typing in something that started with T and immediately it pulled up the piratebay website. i got suspicious so i went to the browsing history and looked up 'piratebay' and apparently Edgi tried downloading a Sid Meier's Civilization V DLC torrent. Then it started showing all that stuff like browser warden and all that crap, then he said he cancelled it so he didn't think it would do much.

anybody else have experiences like this?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 08:07:16 PM by Decepticon »

This really made me upset when I realized people like this exist more commonly than you think.

This really made me upset when I realized people like this exist more commonly than you think.
Everyone always complains our computer runs slow. I boot it up and open up ie (only because I'm the only one that uses chrome)and instantly find out we have a virus.

actually, some girl at my school is bringing her really old windows xp laptop covered in glitter and glue with broken keys n crap. apparently it has a ton of malware and crap on it too so im gonna try to fix it.

actually, some girl at my school is bringing her really old windows xp laptop covered in glitter and glue with broken keys n crap. apparently it has a ton of malware and crap on it too so im gonna try to fix it.
My theory as to how malware got on

"Omg I won an iPad!"

i remember i downloaded a song for my grandfather and when i closed the window the facebook one came up and he was flirting with someone

pops still got it

How do bootleg search browsers make money?

How do bootleg search browsers make money?
dozens of spam & advertisement pop-ups

they get more money the more advertisements, i think