Author Topic: Brick creation guide  (Read 3874 times)

AFAIK, there exists no guide for how to create a brick. Why is this?

Someone should really create something that goes over the basics of brick creation. I've tried making bricks before, and utterly failed. There's essentially no help to be found on this forum that I've found regarding it...


I could go over the bear basics on how to make a brick with Baddy's obj to blb converter when I get home.

I could go over the bear basics on how to make a brick with Baddy's obj to blb converter when I get home.
That would be absolutely fantastic.

Dglider made a very nice one a while back: link.
If not I can help you with General's converter; it's more flexible but just a tad bit harder.
(I can help you with Badspot's too, but Nobody already offered for that)

Dglider made a very nice one a while back: link.
If not I can help you with General's converter; it's more flexible but just a tad bit harder.
(I can help you with Badspot's too, but Nobody already offered for that)
odang that's great. Whenever I try to create a brick with General's converter, the shading is always screwed up.

I think that people should understand how BLBs are written before they just make a model and plop it into a converter. That way you can make any adjustments you like, make it more efficient, and fix anything the converter did wrong.
This is for General's.
It's pretty darn rough in organization and everything, but I think I covered everything that needs be. Maybe.
I also made this tutorial before I covered quad sorting so that's a loss as well.
This is for General's.
It's pretty darn rough in organization and everything, but I think I covered everything that needs be. Maybe.
I also made this tutorial before I covered quad sorting so that's a loss as well.
Ok, thanks. Hopefully between these two guides I can figure this out. :D
This is for General's.
It's pretty darn rough in organization and everything, but I think I covered everything that needs be. Maybe.
I also made this tutorial before I covered quad sorting so that's a loss as well.
In the case of rectangular faces, the texturing is going to be stretched. You need to manually adjust the UV texture in UV/Image Editor per face. There is no actual algorithm for this

There is.

What we know:
  • The side texture is 512x512 pixels.
  • The border is 11 pixel wide.
  • A brick face of 1x1 TU (2 studs wide 5 plates high) has an unstretched texture.

This leads us to the following formula, w and h being the width and height of the face in torque units:

Bottom left point:
u = 11 - (11 / w)
v = 11 - (11 / h)

Top left point:
u = 11 - (11 / w)
v = 512 - (11 - (11 / h))

Top right point:
u = 512 - (11 - (11 / w))
v = 512 - (11 - (11 / h))

Bottom right point:
u = 512 - (11 - (11 / w))
v = 11 - (11 / h)

Note that these are pixel coordinates for entering in blender. If you need fractions for the blb file just divide the results by 512.

This will give you side textures exactly like the default bricks.
For example, 1x1 plates (face is 0.5x0.2 TU) next to a 1x2 brick (texture is 1x0.6 TU)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 11:40:52 AM by Zeblote »

That seems really useful but I wish I understand what was actually going on.

Someone really needs to make a converter that functions the same as Badspot's, but supports UV.

Maybe I'll try to write one over Winter break.
I dunno.

Someone really needs to make a converter that functions the same as Badspot's, but supports UV.

Maybe I'll try to write one over Winter break.
I dunno.
General's converter supports UV coordinates, I've used it before.

Sorry, Accidentally double posted a link :panda: