Author Topic: wtf moat.  (Read 2776 times)

Giving out your key is Self Delete. Badspot doesn't replace stolen keys. People can simply use and abuse with no restrictions. Simple as that.

Lol I got an id once in this one server , it was from this one guy who quit back in like october or november . It was a low id too .

Verts server? I think I was there too, and he got pissed off or something. LOL

His name was King, I told him Badspot was in the server threatening a master server ban on him (as a joke), he said something along the lines of "idc im not playig anmore anyyway" left, then rejoined and spammed his key, Miga leaves and comes back on King's key as "gay4u" and then everyone on the server started using his key and changing his name, then he got pissed at everyone for using it, even though he spammed it in the chat claiming to never play again, a true handicap doing a handicapped move.

Kaph, you put it as your MSN message. Nobody saw that! [/sarcasm]
shhh :cookieMonster:

Woops! Did I let out your secret? Sorry about that.

lolololol, my key works now anyways.

Woops! Did I let out your secret? Sorry about that.
Which one? :cookieMonster: