Author Topic: Another unknown method of crashing - Bedspot %1  (Read 1653 times)

So Bedspot joins, takes my hilariously bad server name serious, then proceeds to try and get me to delete whatever in CMD promt. Obviously i didn't fall for it, so after he left, my game closed itself, no error, nothing. maybe new crash method, maybe not.
This is all it said when he left in the console.log

so whatever he did is beyond me.

anyone else get crashed like this?

no edit

As soon as he left the game crashed mind you.

Ran into this kid at a falling platforms server. He seemed to have the mentality of a 11 year old boy.

Ran into this kid at a falling platforms server. He seemed to have the mentality of a 11 year old boy.

More than likely coincidence. He didn't even know that the old crash hack was patched, I seriously forgetin doubt he has the knowhow to crash a server.

Yeah, it might have been just bad timing.

This guy joined You's server earlier and said "if kickflow bans me, unban me"

Damn no edit again, his BL_ID is 40565

This guy joined You's server earlier and said "if kickflow bans me, unban me"

At least You isn't stupid enough to listen.