Author Topic: Music Tempo Event/Setting  (Read 541 times)

You know how music plays slower/faster depending on the timescale of the client hearing the music? Is there a way to control that with events or a brick setting?
Cause if there is, Id like a way to be able to.

Basically, and event/setting that can control and set music speed.

It would be as simple as just setting the client timescale, play music, revert timescale, and that would be it. IIRC recently Badspot restricted the use of modifying each client's timescale, unless i'm missing something.

Not to mention that the player approaching won't get the change. ex. player gets in range of music after it starts playing and doesn't get the tempo change
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 01:08:00 AM by Wrapperup »

Not to mention that the player approaching won't get the change. ex. player gets in range of music after it starts playing and doesn't get the tempo change

I need it more so for person by person use, so that would be fine.