Author Topic: In need of idea people (weapons and art style)  (Read 1943 times)

 For me it's pretty hard to both work and come up with ideas at the same time. I can only do one or the other, sadly. And I'm also no artist. So because of that I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I've modeled a bunch of different weapons and the point is to come up with an ideal style that fits in with default weapons.
 Default weapons themselves are inconsistent, though - the rocket launcher has an extrusion that has a octagonal black face for the muzzle with no depth, the tank turret has a muzzle with actual depth, and the gun just has a black barrel. This poses a problem for me because I constantly question what should be allowed and what should be avoided while I model.
 So I experimented with different designs, and I'm debating what would fit and what would not fit:

 The textures look funny because they're meant to be flatshaded so that they're colorshifted in-game. For example. the textures black25, black50, etc. all look black in the picture but the black50 would be darker in game.
 On my I have a bunch of other models that you could take a better look at too.
 What I want out of this is to filter out what makes a model appeal to the sense of "defaultness" and stem off of that. It involves all sorts of things, from proportions to the shape of the stock or trigger guard. I've thought of different philosophies as well (pretending it's supposed to be a toy, creating unique designs as if created by a blockhead, etc.) and I'd like to see what your takes would be on this as well.

At the same time, gameplay also matter as well. I think I have this covered well, like creating simple spread that's locked to the horizontal axis rather than random spread across all axes. That being said, I need to still come up with what weapons to include. My plan is to make these models and fit how ever many I can to the weapons I come up with, so some models are probably going to be left over.

Thanks if you read all of this, and please give me some moforgetin feedback.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 10:38:26 AM by Gumba Jonny »

They all look pretty nice! That last pistol looks pretty derpy, though, and the handles on the guns on the left are kinda odd.

I actually have a buttload of other models. I probably won't end up using most of them so I guess I'll put them up for download after I come up with what I want to do modeling-wise.

EDIT: I figured I should include some notes on what i tried in particular with these models:
  • Double barrel, assault rifle: flat black faces for barrel muzzle- the double barrel in the picture is rocket launcher-type but the updated model has flat black barrel muzzle
  • Machine pistol: black shape for barrel, like the default gun
  • Assault rifle, gauss rifle (bottom left): non-rectangular trigger guard, more complex shapes
  • Revolver: block on pistol grip vs. extruded triangular faces like on default gun, black cylinder to fit aesthetically, rocket launcher-type barrel muzzle
  • Gauss rifle: magazine is a simple hexagonal design (could be swapped with a rectangle), pentagonal barrel, traditional muzzle with depth

In a way, i was trying to mimic PiTheKhoz's classic AK47 from RTB with the assault rifle (magazine, sight designs).
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 01:36:34 AM by Gumba Jonny »

Well i'm here,i'm good at ideas.

Well i'm here,i'm good at ideas.
my friend WHO ARE YOU HELPING by just posting this alone

The double barrel looks too tall. Like, there's blockland exaggeration, and then there's that. The barrels seem way too far away from the grip. If you just move the barrels down to this circled area I think it would look fine:

Kinda like this:

That's exactly the type of feedback I want, thank you. I'm going to remodel the double barrel anyway because I'm feeling that a more cartoonish design would fit a lot better than a more realistic portrayal of the shotgun.

That being said, I'm starting on a new branch of models with different design ideas in mind.
Here's a silenced pistol:

The colors are mocked up - in game they'd be colorshifted.

The muzzle of the silencer is shaped rocket launcher-style. Feedback? Ideas??
« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 05:04:05 PM by Gumba Jonny »

Again, seems a little too tall. But an easy fix could be to make the details a little bigger like the ejection port. Maybe I just don't like the hight, I dunno. How does it look when a blockhead holds it?

i think the silenced pistol being too tall is unique but still recognizable and doesnt intrude upon the silhouette

like its a neat quirk not a boon necessarily like how khains weapons are too blocky and mine are too fat

Edited the model a bit yesterday. Here's how it looks in-game, compared to the default gun.

So here we can see that (in the default gun):
-the lower reciever (grip, magazine, trigger + trigger guard) look detachable from the slide.
-the trigger guard is not uniform in shape/slant with the pistol grip.
-the pistol grip is slanted - not uniform, like in my model.
-the recoil block-thing (under the barrel) barely extrudes from the default gun.

So basically, it seems like being neat kind of takes away from what I'm terming the 'default look'.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 04:50:53 PM by Gumba Jonny »

I would cut down on the diagonal faces on the guns main body unless the part is supposed to be round: like a barrel.
Also, the gun barrel in the default pistol doesn't have depth only because the barrel is too small for that detail. Also because it would look odd during the fire animation.
So unless you got a thick barrel end, don't use depth.

That SMG body is way too rounded. Try pulling design aspects from the default pistol to keep things constant.

hey uh

i don't really like the beveled barrel on the double shotgun, i think a flat barrel would do better

idk i'd rather avoid trying to mix complex shapes with basic ones, i meant certain things might stand out and cause some sort of unbalance to your model, unless it's intentional.

but ya ur stuff's pretty neat

I made some changes and I'm pretty proud of the results. Thoughts?