Author Topic: Defibrillator [V1.2.0]  (Read 10348 times)

Could you make it so there's a configurable amount of time someone can stay dead and be revived before having to respawn?

I dont think getting shot multiple times and then dying will allow you to use a defibrilator in most cases.

Could you make it so there's a configurable amount of time someone can stay dead and be revived before having to respawn?
I dont think getting shot multiple times and then dying will allow you to use a defibrilator in most cases.
Blockland isn't a realistic game.

You can't typically get revived with a defibrillator if you're mauled to death by zombies either(Left 4 Dead).

I dont think getting shot multiple times and then dying will allow you to use a defibrilator in most cases.
how the forget do blockheads even shoot guns when their fingers are all stuck together!?

blockland isn't supposed to be realistic, even battlefield allows you to revive people after they've been shot. It's just a fun game mechanic, if you want realism there are a lot of options for you

Found a bug, when using Physics Death and getting shot. 4 seconds after you die or when the corpse would usually disapear, they corpse stands up and turns a sky blue. Its really weird.

It's not a bug. Most of the time related mods break each other. Also, this is Physics Death's fault because it uses a vehicle, and that vehicle usually deletes on its own after a certain time. This mod only makes it so bodies do not clear. Physics Death was not made for bodies to stay forever.

It's not a bug. Most of the time related mods break each other. Also, this is Physics Death's fault because it uses a vehicle, and that vehicle usually deletes on its own after a certain time. This mod only makes it so bodies do not clear. Physics Death was not made for bodies to stay forever.
i see

physics death or crumble death dont even work for me

I'm not sure if this is another conflict or the mod itself but, some times when I revive some one with the Defibrillator, they move very slowly and don't jump very high.

Do you think Support for SMM bodies and physics death will be added?

physics death or crumble death dont even work for me
Do you think Support for SMM bodies and physics death will be added?

Most of the time related mods break each other. Also, this is Physics Death's fault because it uses a vehicle, and that vehicle usually deletes on its own after a certain time. This mod only makes it so bodies do not clear. Physics Death was not made for bodies to stay forever.
Also, SMM is related to physics death because it also uses vehicles, so both mods are hard to be compatible with this.

Do you think Support for SMM bodies and physics death will be added?
I'll probably do it sometime in the future.