Author Topic: The MAS Inc. and Bug Mods (MAS aircraft balance update)  (Read 37402 times)

You should put these on Blockland Glass so that people actually get updates:

I've been thinking about doing something along those lines.

Glad to see your addons still alive, Army. Will make a news in our acommunity about these vehicles's updates today :3

Glad to see your addons still alive, Army. Will make a news in our acommunity about these vehicles's updates today :3

Thanks for the shout-out/news post! Mind giving a link?

I suppose you could consider these mods to still be "alive", but doesn't seem entirely accurate to me lol.
There is still a large amount of content I want to make for these mods, but I'm more focused on other projects at the moment (many of them are not blockland mods), so I'm not sure when I'll get back around to working on the Bug and MAS mods again.

I will say that I am still semi-actively working on one of my larger/older mod projects. It's a huge update, so I can't give any estimated release dates, but hopefully I can get that done and out there before too long hue famous last words.

Anyway, I've fixed a few minor issues on the MAS Interceptor. It can now be downloaded from Blockland Glass as well. I'm uploading just the Interceptor for now for "testing the waters" (want to get fully familiar with how their system works first).

Once it's fully approved and all sorted out on there, I'll follow up with uploading most of the other MAS mods. I can't upload the ASN bots or any of the bug mods, since they don't have bot or playertype sections yet.

I will say that I am still semi-actively working on one of my larger/older mod projects. It's a huge update
"testing the waters"
water pack confirmed

Lego I am going to tie you to a tree and let the dinos get you

Lego I am going to tie you to a tree and let the dinos get you

Do it! Make the water! And the dinosaurs!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 07:24:36 PM by Tamaguen »

yes army make water dinos do it

edit: army told me to edit this so i could bump it
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 02:15:06 AM by Lego lad »