Author Topic: I think my posts per day counter is broken  (Read 623 times)

I have 9, now 10 posts on this account, and I understand that the posts per day is: 'Posts / days since registration'.

So that would mean my posts per day would be 3 as 9 posts / 3 days, but it still displays 9 posts per day.

Date Registered:   30-12-2015, 13:43:08

What are you talking about

What are you talking about
what do you mean what are you talking about

i guess just give it a while more. it was the same for me(i made this account on the same day as you) and now it's working as intended i think.

mine is broken too you cant post 0.063 times a day

I think it's actually based on your time online and not your time registered

so because you've only been online for 11 hours, it still registers as 1 day